Yes thats the idea but on mine, the level plugs which are quite small were buggers to get out. I have a feeling they didnt check the swivels.
OK, so is this the level plug? i.e. just underneath what I assume is the bump stop...



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fantastic. well it's hard to see whether it's been disturbed or not to be honest... it's not caked in crap, but maybe it wasn't to begin with.

i'll have a close look for spanner marks either tonight or tomorrow when it's daylight. the light from my iPhone is bright, but also very deceiving!
OK, so is this the level plug? i.e. just underneath what I assume is the bump stop...

Yep. Mine was blocked and needed poking clear after I kept on filling it cos nothing came out:doh:

Top of pic below red arrows, square fillerplug.
Bottom of pic above red arrows hexagon drain plug.
looks like you should be alright then fish, if theyre happy to help you out then you'll be fine.

even one shot grease will slowly come out of the drain plug, so get them to remove both drain plugs and see what happens, and then either put one shot in both or get the drivers swivel done.

i dont care what they say tbh, that ball needs replacing, i'd be amazed if its holding oil, but it still needs replacing cos its slowly cutting the seal up.

i got my proper camera out today, so here are a couple more pics showing (a) that it is leaking oil, and (b) that the level plug hasn't been touched!

Anyone disagree?





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well, i'm gonna attempt to kick ass over the phone... I can only visit them on Saturday's though, unless I take more annual leave!

So i'm gonna ask them to check the level tomorrow and have a chat about it while i'm there, but i'll have to book it in on another day to have the work done because I have to be back home by 10am tomorrow morning!

Funny thing is, I can't believe the swivel ball has any oil in it if it's been leaking that fast and they've not topped it up, so I can only imagine that's my diff oil!!
ok... the guy spoke to the mechanic after I phoned last time and they said there was one-shot grease in there, so they didn't top it up. the filler cap, level plug and drain plug don't look like they've been touched, but given that they were replacing a bearing, could they have worked that out without touching the plugs?

Also, I've told them it appears to be leaking what looks like oil (although I don't know how thick one-shot grease is), and they're, again, more than happy to have another look at it.

Given that I can only spare 1 hour tomorrow (between 08:30 and 09:30), they're not sure they'll be able to fit me in tomorrow (maybe I should have phoned up earlier in the week!), and I have a busy Saturday anyway, so I'm gonna keep an eye on it, keep mopping up the oil and make damn sure it's not coming from up above somewhere and pop in next Saturday.

After all, they're being helpful and it's not like it's an utterly urgent safety problem...
One shot will leak, eventually, its a mix of oil and grease. As you said, dont panic, get it in when they/you can. Those plugs have not been touched.

i dont think you can see into the swivel housing when doing bearings but i may be wrong, i think there is an oil seal in the way???
Buy a litre of diff oil and check the level in the front diff..........just to be safe, even if they say they have and then you know that it's got some in.

When they did the bearing they probably could see evidence of one shot grease.

Not easy on a 300 cos the stub shaft is in the way, but you'd get the idea.

Not a good way to check though. It would tell you it ain't bone dry, fair enough, but would give you 100% zero idea of how well lubed it was.

Generally speaking, without being petty about anything, they have overlooked your swivels completely.

I can see flaking chrome in one of those pics - that swivel ball is fuuuuuuuuucked, believe me. The chrome will be literally slicing the seal up.

You will always get a little bit of cross contamination between axle and swivel, more so if the half shaft seals are worn, but not a big deal providing the swivel doesn't leak - the leakage doesn't do any harm either way, but the worst thing is when your swivel leaks away your diff oil and you dont check it regularly!

Agree to change the drivers swivel and one shot the other one tomorrow, ideally with 2 hours labour discount, and you're onto a winner.

well, they still maintain that the drivers swivel is fine, despite the "surface muck" as they call it. they've not seen it a second time yet though.

My plan (next weekend now, as I'm busy tomorrow and so are they) is for them to check the swivel level, find it empty, see it leaking and then make their own mind up that it needs replacing.

You see, if they don't think it needs replacing, then they're not gonna do it with a 2 hour labour discount because I asked for it to be done "if required", and they don't see that it's "required" and it'll therefore be treated as a new, separate job.

Basically i'm gonna convince them that it needs doing, so they decide to do it themselves. that way, it makes the whole situation "happier", they realise they were in the wrong and therefore happily give a discount, and I don't seem forceful :D

the most forceful i'll ever be is convincing them that it needs replacing. I cannot force them to do it because I said "if required" and they didn't think it was required. we cannot argue opinions - we need proof and hard facts, which is what I want to show them next weekend.
...Hmmmm....You have the hard eveidence and facts m'lod............Land rover don't supply them like that as it wouldn't be deemed fit for purpose, you can't buy them in that condition anywhere i've seen and if you were designing a device that required a rubber seal to slide over it with grease behind it, would you make it with a very rough surface?

It really does come back to the fact i don't think they looked at it or......from another angle it doesn't look that bad???

....And can someone turn off the king wind please!!!!!
i'm being stupid. king is an abreviation, and wind is wind! I read it in the context of my swivel ball, but you're talking about the weather!

i have to say, I was driving like i was drunk on the way home, and the CB aerial was almost horizontal!

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