Dave Herron

New Member
Hello all,

I have a 2002 Freelander TD4 Es which i love very much but i want to get me another Land Rover of some sort which i can play with and go off roading in.

Dont want to spend too much, probably £1500-£2000 at most.

Should i go for a Series Landy, Range Rover or a Disco. I know i wont get much for the price but like i said it is something to play with rather than being my only transport.

Been offered a G Reg 110 with a new galvanised chassis for £2000 what do you think??
i know i am going to get greif for this, but unless you need another landy, i would be tempted to get an old sj ( hides in a nuclear bunker to avoid the flack). easier to repair (lighter parts, cheap) and great for a toy offroader

let the slagging begin
You must be out of your mind.

No little Suzuki comes close to the real thing. Also the Suzuki does not have the heart of a Land Rover nor the same prestige.

God i am lost for words. Cannot believe someone posted that on a Landy Forum. Shame on you:mad:
Go for a series, it'll take you anywhere ask any farmer, also mega cheaper than a Range rover. Nothing wrong with a Suzuki but you are on the wrong forum for mentioning that.
I used to sell Suzuki's and have nothing against them as such but they are not even in the same league

My heart says a series or a defender but head says i must be mad lol.
I agree with Jerry, get a series LR. They are pretty much bomb proof.

Saying that, the G reg 110 Dave has been offered sounds a good bet too. That's the Defender I presume? I like the Defender. Looks like a "take no sh!t" kind of vehicle :D
yeh it is a Defender. My father in law and his mate are in the process of putting it back together so it is known inside out so hopefully it should be a good one. Just not finished yet. will need a like of paint when finsihed but thats nowt really
Sounds like a plan Dave. Should be a good runner. You'd be mad to turn it down ;)
When will she be finished?
110s are a bit on the long side for off roading, but if it's been properly sorted it sounds like a bargain.

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