
New Member
I took the kids to Colchester Zoo on Saturday, when I came back to the motor, they had put a poster on The father-in-laws Disco......

this gas guzzling 4x4 is causing climate change. Please replace with a less polluting car.

Visit for further information

Shame they weren't thinking about this when they supported the "artist" who bought 7 giant snowballs down from Scotland to highlight climate change. the were towed down with ... A LandRover. ****s.

I had a good look around the carpark to see if I could find the pillock who put the poster there..... so I could "discuss" it with him.
My V8 runs on LPG and pumps out up to 90% less harmful cr*p than the average car exhaust. Why do these idiots target land rover when the average family salon kicks out more sh*t than my disco???
You COULD run a diesel engine on used chip fat, nut oil or even rape seed oil if the Chancellor would give us an incentive rather than kissing the butts of the petroleum industry. That plus my previous point on a thread like this.............HOW long does yer average Landy last compared to the majority of other vehicles, therefore justifying the huge expenditure of raw materials needed to build the thing in the first place........Little greater for a Nissan Microbe than for a Defender............Some Granny/Grandad Grunt is gonna drive the Microbe the wrong way up a motorway within the first year of it's life, killing all involved long before the defender is even run in!

I used to be such a spiritual person, but the misguided, tunnel visioned, tree hugging morons have driven me to listen more to Jeremy Clarkson than to Timothy Leary..................Oops, where did THAT come from? :eek:
I would also have LOVED to find them in the car park & have a quiet reasoned argument (yes, I really do mean that!) with them about their actions & sadly misguided motivation. If they want to find waste, check out the school run..........take a poll on what they're driving, how for they've driven & what they have planned for the rest of the day..............oh, pants, have I started it now? :confused:
Ah, the good old greenpeace boys and girls! Driving around in tatty old coaches and Bedford vans, don't you just love em! They've got some cheek! Didn't they have an old ship bobbing about the ocean? What fumes did that pump out?????? I saw them at a Festival earlier this year not long after they chained themselves to the machine at the Land Rover factory, they had a 4x4 pulling their display trailer? Thankfully it wasn't a Landy! No point talking to them, they seem to have a set point of view and can't get their head around logic! Isn't there a tree somewhere they could chain themselves to out of the way?
Yep, My LR is 25 years old and looks set to carry on for another 25. How many KAs will be scrapped in that time?

A chap down the road from me said he bought a LR from somebody who had to have it repaired because it was vandalised by hunt saboteurs: it seems they had a list of hunt members' cars but didn't bother to check how up-to-date it was. The hunt-member had long since sold it on but the sabs decided to vandalise it anyway:rolleyes: . People, eh?
Excuse my rant (or don't - I barely care!), this isn't directed at anyone, it's just my spleen in need of a venting but:

See, that aint'ent hunt sabbing, that IS just vandalism AND bloody misguided at that. I'll probably get hung drawn & quartered for this, but I used to enjoy a good "sab". Of course it was as much about bashing the rich as it was about poor lil' foxes & I'd challenge any saboteur to honestly answer otherwise.

To be honest I'd probably still do it if it wasn't for: A - I can't resist fishing for Pike with lures cos' they're hooge, mean, magnificent & they got teeth, but it IS still hunting & probably the next sphere to be targetted! & B - Ooooo, me ol' back doesn't arf' give me gyp these days!

It was fun & got me out into the country of a weekend & I got to take the rise out of some right knobends. Posh 'uns & their forelock tugging follower thugs who were just scared of losing their tied cottages & having to try to find gainful employment in the 21st century that didn't involve "the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable", this IS the 21st century!

Let's keep focussed on this. Just because I love Landies, I don't wear a cloth cap OR support the countryside alliance.


I don't doubt that there are people who buy new Disco's (oh, c'mon, that arse end looks like a transit BEST!) & new Rangies that WILL replace them come the new reg'. They'll be the ones with super low profile alloys, blacked out windows & super, duper, top spec' everything & have only done a few thousand a year (...........whether that's miles or grammes of charlie........joke, lighten up!). It DOES remain to be seen whether those vehicles filter down to people who are actually going to use them to their full potential & I for one hope they do. I hope they have the ability to last like Classic Rangies, early Disco's, Defenders, Series Landies & I have to say, I think Freelanders look compact & pretty funky............when they pass me!

They are ALSO the people who won't be posting on this site.

We're here because we love em' all & will drive them into the ground & sorry Mr, Miss or Ms Earthy coloured knitwear, we WILL still be driving them when you have children called "Sky" and also see the sense to drive something that could outlive you.

Wanna piece of advice: Anyone who cares about, I mean REALLY cares about the planet they live on - Target the UK Government for NOT giving us a (tax) incentive to run those vehicles that can on the oil from all those pretty yellow flowers you see waving about in those hooooge fields you all passed this summer (Rape seed, top fuel for Diesels, God love 'im!) Target the disposable car industry, the one that puts more effort into producing and developing a fuel efficient vehicle to sell to a few "green" hearted mugs who actually believe it is going to make a difference to their childrens lungs than they do into researching how long the vehicle will actually last before it ends up an uneconomical (& for economics, read intitial profit from first sale - Nissmazfordisuzuseatvauxtoyskoduki don't make a single sheckel out of re-sales to second hand punters like you or I) melted, squashed lump of barely recyclable, bad thing exuding, rusting junk. Target the US goverment (especially that CHIMP that's apparently in charge, but couldn't find his own butt with both hands AND the non-lubed up help of a military advisor) for their..............well, approach to everything!

Done now.........Let's keep focussed!

What goes on forever? Landies do.

What changes with the weather.............earthy coloured knitwear...........Make of it what you will!

My best to one and all...........I need a little lie down,
Marcus said:


It wore me out just reading that!

BTW I always thought the new Disco looked more like an ice cream wagon
Just looked at the Greenpeace site in the 1st post. I notice that they advocate wind power, yet in New Zealand, the Greenies have stopped wind farms becuase they are a "Visual Pollutant" in country side inhabited in the main by cows and sheep.

Their logic does not stackup for anything other than the 12mpg Landie. We have a Freelander and diesel Landcruiser in Australia. Our Landcruiser uses less fuel than most Australian made V6 ad V8 cars but is a "Target" by the greenies - they just do not get it. Also if you look at the total package, our Cruiser will last us to something like 1,000,000km so no Greenhouse gasses are used creating us a new vehicle for a long long time unlike a car that has reached its use by date at 200,000km.
All i can say is i pay my taxes pay my mortgage and bills on time and i will take my kids to school in my only 1 family car and spend my life doing what i want when i want and drive what i want, at least i have a job and dont receive goverment hand outs and help because im to busy saving the planet,i recycle everything i can and im environmentally freindly as i can be even down to my 300 with emissions as low as 1.07,i bet there old boat run on polutants while trying to save wales, sorry whales they have NO IDEA AS THEY SAY YOU CANT EDUCATE PORK,AND PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES, rant over bunch of t-ats.
Here you go, some ammo for the next time you bump into one of those, "Lovely, tree hugging, Lets save the Earth and get everybody to hold hands whilst singing the praise of the Daisy" brigade!

1: Last year, of 185,000 SUV's sold in the UK, over 100,000 were small 4x4's like the Freelander, with fuel economy similar to a typical family saloon.
2: Over 90% of Discovery 3 sales are diesels, achieving 30mpg (combined cycle) and emitting 249 CO2 g/km - thats less than many hot hatches.
3: The Range Rover occupies less road space than its luxury saloon competitors, like the Mercedes S-class. The only way they're bigger is in their height, which in fact is an asset, because of the better "all-round" visibility makes them safer.
4: It would take 37 years running a Discovery 3 TDV6 to generate the emissions that are equivalent to "ONE" return flight from London to New York!

So Swampy, get you dirty ass away from my Landy and go pitch up outside Heathrow! (But not in March when I'm off on holiday! Cheers!)
Having a good old read of this thread Im finding it hard not to chuck my bit in, so im going to!

Firstly, If I ever catch a greenie even attemping to place any kind of poster or similar on my vehicle, I may just let my german shepard out the back of it at let him discuss the matters of the environment with the arrogant to**er who has just commited an offence of criminal damage on my property! (friendly chap my dog, far better than any alarm!)

As many people have already said on this thread, these dickheads really do not see the wood for the trees! (proberly because they are usually climbing them)
A good majority of landrover owners actually really do care about the environment! I take many hours out of my week to perform tasks that will make a difference, such as recycling, clearing dead wood from woodland to heat my house rather than using more fossil fuels, filtering veg oil to run my vehicle on and anything else I can do that I feel really does make a difference!

This is just typical behaviour of un educated people who all of a sudden feel that they have been gifted with an IQ!

I live not to far away from a nuclear power station in the south east. I am actually a fan of nuclear power as I feel that it is an area that has huge potential for further development, however back in the 60's (not being old enougth to know, Im taking accounts from others) there was huge uproar when this power station was being planned. There was huge aguments for clean power. Anyway nearly 50 years later, wind turbines are planned to be built in the area to do exactly that. The typical NIMBY syndrome then raises its head and now nobody wants this 'visual damaging' power.

I really do not understand these idiots!

off soapbox now

Jim;) ;)
Hi all, just a short reply to this emotive subject, as i live in N Ireland and i have witnessed 30 years of violent war waged in my Country, I can assure you all, that if it had not been for the ever present faithful old Land Rovers of the Police and Army in N Ireland , i assure you that there would have been alot more people who would have been killed, or maimed, as the trusted Land Rovers of the security forces saved many, many lives.
And to those who fight good battles, in their fireside arm chairs, take a step back and think about what you do, or say, before you act.
I say to all Greenpeace activitists why exactly do you think Land Rovers are so POPULAR?
On a personal note i believe you are mostly ill-informed and misled about Land Rovers and their owners, remember it is just as much my basic human right to drive my Land Rover as it is your right not too, but i don't go arround and try to force you to do what i do, a little more respect please and decent debate not stuntish tactis. Redfrogg.
Just a couple of questions for all the greenish doomsday trumpet blowers...

1. Climate has been wildly changing for as long as man's memory serves, and for all times before that as well. What exactly was causing these changes before our despicable Land Rovers appeared?

2. This is related to CFCs, but will give you an hindsight on what really the Greens (and anybody else for that purpose) know about man-made global catastrophes, i.e. close to NUFFINK.

We've been told and retold that CFCs, which are present in refrigerating gases and were present in most aerosol-propellant gases, are the horrible things that cause ozone depletion, and are responsible for the infamous "ozone hole" that threatens all of us with its sharp teeth.

Fact a) The great majority of CFC's are produced and consumed in the Northern hemisphere, primarily by the USA, and by European and Asian countries.

Fact b) The "ozone hole" is over Antarctica, or South Pole, which - as you'd have guessed by its name - is in the Southern hemisphere.

Fact c) In global meteorology, for all practical purposes the air masses of the Northern and of the Southern hemisphere do not mix. If there is any pilot around here, let him go back to his Met books...

Now, who is taking us for a ride?
:) Hi just read all the threads about the huge impact of the 4x4 on the earths future destruction......and like the rest of you agree its a load of Bulls**t i live in Spain and have since joined the realms of lanrover ownership ( my family in general have had them for years ,in fact my old man learnt to drive in a series 1...poor bugger) After leaving the wonderful homeland of the UK (Well wales actually) ,many of the reasons outlined in the arguments are the reasons for this upheavel of my family and dogs....TO be totally honest the whole westernised ,non communicating ,materlistic ,self centered , politically correct, do what i tell you and dont worry about what i do kind of atitude from all the fat headed political ....we are doing this for your own good .....P**cks that run our so called democratic society.....with out the motor car (and i use this as a general term ) the UK gov wouldnt have had enough revenue to pick a fight with jersey let alone why dont they give all you guys a break and start helping the responsible 4x4 owner instead of condeming them...What i would like to know is what kinda vehicle the enviromental research proffesionals use when they go up to the top of a mountain range somewhere to measure the latest polution guess is its a........
:eek: LANDROVER!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Woe betied the first Hippy to even touch my beloved Landy. Unfortunately people are sheep, they will follow owt and its an absolute farce aint it ?. I think that Greenpeace are far far removed from the original conception of the organisation, they've lost the bloody plot. I hope it never happens but their publicity stunts are getting more and more foolish and one day someone innocent of any involvement is going to get badly hurt. They are rapidly becoming a threat to normal society. How long do you reckon it will be before they start targeting company and group figureheads in the individual sense?.

Not long.

Regards WP.
Here's a little insider info from a recent convert to the Land Rover.

My V6 Freelander is another apparent 4x4 that kills the environnet, it is irrelevent that i love in the middle of nowhere (near Belvoir Castle) and do very little milage (other than school/work/ and one day @ uni) I earn a reasonably good wage (£30,000 p.a.) which i have worked very hard to get (i'm only 24yrs old) and why shouldn't i enjoy my Freelander??

Does it kill the environment?


But the factory that i work has a leaking refrigeration system and my firm has spent about £100K last year charging a leaking system with R22 gas. This gas is extreamly dangerous and it is a CFC it will be banned from 2007.

Why do we get away with it?

Because we employ 1000 people and work every minute of every day (except christmas day) to keep ASDA and MARKS & SPENCERS fully stocked up with ready made meals.

Green peace have not got a clue about what they are doing. By putting stickers on a Landy all they do is **** people off and no-one wants to fund them.

They will never stop business it's too powerful and politicians know this which is why we can virtually do what we like!!!!

I'm not condoning anything but that life in it's unfair state.

Now should i buy a Hummer?
The government are just as bad as those f-ing greenpeace gits!!! I can take it that 4x4's do cause more pollution than little 1.0litre rollerskates but why cant they see that 4x4's aren't even half the problem???

Firstly, lets just talk about 4x4's compared to other vehicles then. Well, having looked into it my Freelander is infact shorter than a 5series BMW, and no taller than an Espace. So as a cause for concern over there not being enough space on our countrys cities roads, they planning on bin ****ers to those car drivers too? And what about these HGVs that manage to slug throught inner city streets puffing out huge clouds of sooty fumes???

Then they say they four wheel drive so they cause more damage to streets and the environment. Well, what about cars such as the Impreza or Evo??? They both are four wheel drive and cause more noise pollution with there straight through exhausts! And thats not to mention HGvs again as well as other vans and the like. Furthermore, they say theres no need for 4x4s??? well judging by some of the recent TV pictures of the havoc caused by a bit of snow (forecast about a week ago so it was expected) we do need 4x4s. i dont fancy being stranded in my car cos the bloody highways agency cannot grit the roads and keep main roads clear!

As for the government trying to tax us out of these more polluting vehicles. Do they know that the average train pumps out more pollution per person than any car on sale in britain at the moment? Also, they tell us these messages about global warming yet they still managed to mill around in V8 Jags which im sure kicks out more pollution than my Td4! Then you have plenty of highly polluting empty buses which we are meant to use with their high prices and unreliable services. is it a wander that people prefer their cars???

Why does the governemnt stop targetting innocent drivers and instead try saving money that motorists fund in the first place by not having illegal and pointless wars???? im sure theyd find theyd save a hell of a lot of money if blair pulled his head out of bush's ass. I mean y dont bush just get a glass stomach so blair can see where hes going????

Greenpeace people need a slice of reality. They should just understand that they are a minority that no one gives two f's about! If they wanna go live in some pollution free world then maybe they should go live in the 1800s or sumat.

If any of em try do owt to my car im just gunna mow em down. Always thought my landy's bonnet wa just the right height to hook sum git under the chin....Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iv had my moan now. lol. Laters

Great rant Marcus, I'm behind you 100% there. It was great to see all those poncy toffs recently, on the eve of the ban, crying into their post hunt sherry, sat on horses which cost more in stable fees, than is earned by many working class people to keep their families. I was over the moon about hunting being banned... I don't really care about foxes. I've seen the damage they do. Farmers must have the right to shoot the little ****s (however cute they may be). But boy did it give the toffs something to cry about. Blair finally got something right.

Incidentally, many serial killers have been known to indulge in animal cruelty in their early careers as nutters. Peter Sutcliffe (yorkie ripper), Ian Bradey, Ian Huntley, Dennis Nielsen... The list is a long one. It makes sense though; those who enjoy watching others suffer must have something missing in their depraved little existances.

I'm not a tree hugging, dreadlocked hippy who eats quorn, and ****s green pelets by any means. But seeing as the pollution caused in the process of building a new car, is equivelant to that of driving for 150,000 miles, I am doing my bit for the planet in my 37 year old WASTE cooking oil powered 2a. It also has an overdrive, and a 2litre turbo diesel perkins engine, with a peugeot intercooler. Boy does it shift!! Does make a little mess of footpaths though, so I do feel a little guilty... Nah, it'll pass.
lets get some reality here folks........................if it wasn't for the landrover causing global warming we'd still be in the grip of the last ice age...

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