Hi treev150.I think you get it now. The case is ,this happened in Norway last year on a musicfestival, that in a middle of song a band played , a couple of this greenies a young man and a ditto woman ripped of their clothes and started to " banging" standing!! there on the stage complete nude in front of the audience and sendt directely on the tv to the whole country . You should have seen that ,quite a sight. The vocalist came out of tune , the drummer lost his sticks and the guitarist hang up his fingers on the string , and the bassplayer blow his amplifire ,..Well,...not quite but as they said , they was f#*¤ing for the rainforrest, right there on the stage to put the lights on and knowlegement on the
stupidity to destroy em , the rainforrests
Hope i`ve cleard up my tread.
The Norseman

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