Hiya Spooner
No, you need our Sync mate or an MSV-2 system for that.

The FAULTMATE FCR is not being introduced as a replacement or to compete with any of our other products, rather to fit in as a new lower cost tool for those who just want a cheaper way to profesionally and portably acess the fault code memories on all of their vehicles on board systems with fault code storage capability, although it is a really flexible bit of kit and so we could add any degree of additional functionality to its capability should needs or market forces require it, like we did with our EAS Kicker.

It is actually supplied complete with a cable that allows it to be connected to a PC's USB port for doing things like, upgrading its software, changing it's language, re programming it's licencing to other vehicles when its owner changes them etc.
Another one to add to the pile.

Bought and paid for

Anybody from the South West / South Wales in on this deal and could collect from Essex or whatever meeting is arranged? I can't get that far but my job takes me all over down here so I could collect from just about anywhere / anybody and I'm not in a mad rush.
Morning Guys & Gals

We have currently 5 x orders in place ... and I have been double checking with Black Box Solutions, and the have noted each order from Landyzone members. and keeping them to one side awaiting more, so they can be despatched together to get the free postage and the 20% discount.


I am hoping we can get this squared away by noon wednesday so they can be shipped ?

If anybody has any questions, please ask BBS guy the Tech questions, and the 13+ pages on the thread should answer any other question.
Just ordered mine, didn't work from a Mac so had to wait until I was on work Windoze machine.

Hi Lads, i buddy of mine put me on to the deal, just paid up there. looking forward to getting this piece of kit.
Hi L.Z'ers..

I have spoke to Black Box Solutions, and those that have orderd should be receiving pro formas with the discounted price..! you need to respond to agree or disagree with the price, i have noticed a nominal CC charge.. but i believe its worth it .

Reminder.... please , please ensure you email or call Black Box Solutions quotng your reference number to advise you are part of the Landyzone group purchase, once you have placed your order... this is crucial,,

Then PM me your ref number as I am forwarding those details as a group to BBS so everything is double checked.

We are upto 9
L.Z'ers.... all is going well , Black Box are receipt of the bulk order, closing will be 12 noon Today unless a mad rush of ordeers come forward? ... if you are reading this and it is past 12 noon call BBS direct. you may get lucky?

I hope to report back on the performance very soon
Buyers I thinki have your Mobiles, will be in touch via text if you can PM your email ID so i can do 1 x message to all of you instead of loads of PM's

Hiyas all
Well guys they are already on route.
Cus thats how we roll here at BBS
Just for you a got a couple of photos organised.
heres a piccy of them before they was put in the box


And us giving them to the Nice Man going to take them to the UK for you.

He did say the box seemed very light though :doh:
Hi all

Quick note to say thanks for putting up with my posts and PM's I just wanted to ensure it went smoothly, if I have caused any stress i am sorry !.... So await the parcel, so that means i can get some sleep now.

ps Coilin who are the Ladies?

P ;-))
Nice for folks to actually see for themselves just how in hand it all is though ;)

As everyone can see each FCR kit is protected in its own heavily padded jiffy bag, which is labeled with everyones name and address to make re shipping the right one to the right person childs play.
Each jiffy contains the FCR unit itself and it's correct leads and documentation for everyone participating, according of course to what they ordered.
Each and every bag has had its contents connected up, plugged into a test rig and then checked and tested as a set, as well as being updated to the very latest software by Ronnie.

The P38 versions also have a small extra info sheet included that i would ask all recipents to read through and note the contents of, before actually trying out their units, as one of the P38 systems (Type C ABS) requires the ign to be re cycled after any comms with it, and if you dont know or do this, it can cause problems communicating with the same or other ecu's that can easily lead to frustration and undue annoyance if you don't know that.

The ladies pictured have shyly declined to be specifically indentified Paul, however George (formly Georgia) says the hormone therapy treatment is working out just fine :doh:

Now we just have to wait to see who gets theirs first, and read reports of what they think of them.

In the meantime Paul, might i add my own personal thanks for your taking the time trouble and effort to organise this for everyone concerned. Both from us all at BBS and i believe on behalf of all LZ members and participants. It's quite obvious that you have a full time job to deal with and that you have freely given much, if not all, of your spare time to it.

You can indeed now sleep soundly for a couple of days yet.
Yep i think so, I think there were a few who missed out cus they could not sort out proper payment in time, from what i heard, but I ain't checked what the score on the door was with the Admin department as they have their own section of the building that I rarely venture into.
I received 13 pm's re orders with reference numbers, which i forwarded to BBS CO. I am un-aware of any late comers?, but i have been contacted about another bulk purchase already....

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