Thanks for the info.
Now have codes from the HEVAC left, all others have cleared.
Blend motor issues and heater core temp sensor issues!
great bit off kit, found loads of faults and cleared most off them :) real easy to use aswell so very happy with purchase
My FCR arrived today, many thanks Paul on an awesome job!!

Plugged and working a treat. No faults showing except for HEVAC which has 11 (them all?). Cleared them and then scanned again and they are aparently back. However HEVAC works perfectly. Says faults are logged, does this mean from an earlier time?

Tremendous tool to have at our disposal, hats off to BBS!
Picked mine up from Paul last night( top bloke!). Sods law the EAS threw a fit just round the corner! Just plugged the fcr in and got 19 faults in total,mostly Hevac ans eas but worryingly it says driver airbag open circuit.... Think that's the first port of call.
Picked mine up from Paul last night( top bloke!). Sods law the EAS threw a fit just round the corner! Just plugged the fcr in and got 19 faults in total,mostly Hevac ans eas but worryingly it says driver airbag open circuit.... Think that's the first port of call.

Rotary coupler possibly, do cruise buttons etc work?
Yes cruise works fine... You thinking clock spring?

Would be starting point as it is the area subjected to most movement-rave should give you a diagram and some test instructions.

Out with ohm meter and go from there
Thinking the FCR's should be renamed can of worms opening device!!!!!:) :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi nice one
Thank you all for your very kind comments of appreciation about your first impressions of the FCR.

It always pleases me and my team no end to know our efforts are being appreciated and that we are making a real difference to any and all LR entusiasts.

As you are discovering, the photos hardly do any justice at all to the real thing.
In pictures it may well be the usualy flimsy plastic toy for all anyone can tell, but when you get it, instantly you apreciate that it is actually so well built, you could probably drive over it and cause only a few scratches.
Mind you that would be a shame as that would spoil its lovely metallic electric Blue finish, which again is something lost in a Photo.

Also lost in the so often used "really easy to use" cliche, is exactly that.

I note your not instantly realising that you simply need to select a fault code to display its Text Meaning Dean.

I can't remember if we specifically detail that in the user guide, but will look into it and try to make it a bit more obvious. So i thank you for that unwitting bit of positive first time user feedback, and hope i can use it to improve things for others;-)

I note with great interest and a unique understanding, MHM's humorous comment based on his observation and Dean's smug retort. You see, quite unwittingly, as a direct result of the unique situation of seeing the impact of quite a few folk getting equipment at the same time, MHM has noted something happening that hitherto only i may have ever been familiar with. And so brings into focus a significant positive side effect of equipment ownership that i think is worth further highlighting.

Everyone who owns a Land Rover such as the P38, knows that it has a lot of on board technology and most have some appreciation that there is an awful amount of built in self diagnostic technology provided in order to counter problems with it.

However, as owners typically have no way to access and capitalise on that themselves, that technology is therefore typically not regarded as being freindly or beneficial to the owner in any way. As a result, it gets be be regarded as quite the opposite, and with dealers etc charging so much, just to access the built in technology for owners, and read / decode the fault codes the vehicle technology is providing, let alone get into attempts to repair them, who can blame them.

But, the very second that you have your own bit or equipment that can then freely read and clear fault codes just as well as theirs, as and whenever and as often as you wish, that situation is instantly and quite dramatically reversed. Victims become Victors and what was once regarded as a dis advantage to ownership, is now suddenly an extremely powerful advantage.

I therefore offer my heartiest congratulations to all participants of this group buy event. Not only have you so very wisely invested in a really good bit of equipment that will certainly transform your LR ownership experience, and was already one hell of a bargain to start with, but by trusting in Paul and I to deliver the goods as agreed, you have got it at a price that i sincerely doubt will ever be matched, although i think paul and i might yet join forces again to produce an almost as good opportunity if enough demand is shown.:cool:
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Next day delivery to Co Antrim, now that is good........all for £5:50

Hi Paul, you could have bowled me over with a feather, when the Postie turned up at my door on Saturday morning. Really thought it would be Monday at the earliest. Well impressesed and as you say, all for the princely sum of £5.50!

Long live the Post Office
BBS guy........
I was trying to find a reason to critisize the FCR coz i'm like that but i can't!!!
Top piece of kit supplied by a top company with exxcellent service from a forum member!!
Found 19 faults so far which is going to take a while to plow my way through but now i can without worrying about putting the EML light on and having to pay a stealer to sort it out.

Now i just need to find out why my doozel is sounding like its going burst a lung when the revs are above 2500 with hardly any power.....i know i insulted it by driving through London but come on!!!:doh:
Home from a weekend away to find my FCR waiting for me. I wasn't expecting it until today at the earliest, so great work, Paul. And thanks too for organising the whole thing. Thanks also to BBS for the great discount.

Now to see just how many faults I can find in my P38
It can be quite daunting to see so many faults when you first access a car that has not had its fault codes cleared in a while, as they can tend to accrue over time due to nothing more than occasional system glitches. These can often be determined by intermittent or historic status, but seeing how quickly something re appears after clearing the memory is as good a guide as any to the severity or reality of a true problem. In this way the FCR is not just a tool that aids in finding and fixing problems but a way to regulary check and keep abreast of any vehicles current health situation.

On a P38 the systems should be 100% fault free with the sole exception of the ABS that has a "rotation detected on all 4 wheels" fault listed, when everything is fine.

On an L322 you should get faults in the Light control unit about rear brake bulb currents being out of range, because they fit LED's, also NAS spec side marker lights are listed as open circuit on non NAS spec cars and you might get some column motor moanings and some CAN bus messages missing stuff.

On later CAN bus cars like the D3, Sport or 05 on L322, you typically get quite a few CAN bus message missing faults and so on, but at that stage, it's really more a case of learning whats normal for any given car, so you can quickly spot any newbies.

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