P38 Ireland

Re your comment " ask yourself who is pushing the most for this deal to go through?? thats whos getting the free one....! "

I so wish it was me !, yes I am pushing this, but... If we do get the unit at £183, it's a good saving.

It will be upto the individual when and if they purchase one...

BTW .. who did turn up at the show and get the free one?
relax dude, im not out to hurt anyones feelings, but your saying that its cheap to pay £189 or what ever, none of you seem to think that you have the option of losing that money too. having 10 units shipped to somone in the uk and then trust that person to then send that on to you??? there is wayyyyy too many things to got wrong, the original sender could "lose the packing in the post" the second dender could disapear in to thin air, they could lose the package the post might not arrive!! there are so many gambles! im not hear to mother anyone but you know the old saying, if the deal is too good to be true then it usually is
I don't understand this level of negativity? Does the person selling these items have a bad track record of non delivery? I regularly purchase items on the internet and have never been badly treated (I do my homework and weigh up the risks to mitigate as much as possible). The risk is just the same as any other internet trading with people one has never met. I bought my P38 sight unseen on eBay for considerably more money than involved here and am very happy with the deal. To be able to reset faults etc without recourse to third parties is of great value, especialy in time.
As for the RSW Solutions, it maybe is worth waiting for and maybe not, that is something yet to be decided. The BBS equipment does work and is available now, my need is now so the two things align.

still no response from BBS GUY, I think he may have a distraction in the UK, judging by their exchanges on the forum on a previous thread..... so he may have took a week off ?... R & R.. or S & M.. lol who knows ?????????
Will let you all know when he contacts me!

still no response from BBS GUY, I think he may have a distraction in the UK, judging by their exchanges on the forum on a previous thread..... so he may have took a week off ?... R & R.. or S & M.. lol who knows ?????????
Will let you all know when he contacts me!

After that other racy thread, he's probably been abducted by Ladyranger and is right now having his fault codes read via his OBD (Old Big Dick):eek::eek::eek:

still no response from BBS GUY, I think he may have a distraction in the UK, judging by their exchanges on the forum on a previous thread..... so he may have took a week off ?... R & R.. or S & M.. lol who knows ?????????
Will let you all know when he contacts me!

Hi All
Nice to know i was missed :)

I have not read the thread completely, but see some interesting reasons for my marked absence, but the real reason is far more boring, sadly it seems i bought something un desirable back with me from the UK in the form of a really bad case of Flu that has seen me put totally out of action and bed bound for entire remainder of the past week.

Normally i shrug off the usual sniffles and Man flu cases and have not had a day off ill as long as i can remember, but this really wiped the floor with me physically and mentally. :crutch:

But i am feeling a lot better now :cool:

Just gotta do a bit of catching up
Hi All
Nice to know i was missed :)

I have not read the thread completely, but see some interesting reasons for my marked absence, but the real reason is far more boring, sadly it seems i bought something un desirable back with me from the UK in the form of a really bad case of Flu that has seen me put totally out of action and bed bound for entire remainder of the past week.

Normally i shrug off the usual sniffles and Man flu cases and have not had a day off ill as long as i can remember, but this really wiped the floor with me physically and mentally. :crutch:

But i am feeling a lot better now :cool:

Just gotta do a bit of catching up

Where's the obd socket on a series3

Hi All
Nice to know i was missed :)

I have not read the thread completely, but see some interesting reasons for my marked absence, but the real reason is far more boring, sadly it seems i bought something un desirable back with me from the UK in the form of a really bad case of Clap that has seen me put totally out of action and bed bound for entire remainder of the past week.

but this really wiped the floor with me physically and mentally. :crutch:

But i am feeling a lot better now :cool:

Just gotta do a bit of catching up

:eek: :rolleyes:;) :behindsofa:
Good news, BBS GUY Has posted me some info, so i will post full details Sunday night, you will have a couple of days to place your orders with Black Box Solutions, ... Wait for the instructions from me...
Anyhoo i am off to bed, i am up at very O'god o'clock!! And wont be home until 8pm.....
Really fancy one of these for my 4.6 Thor P38.
Any know if this can reset the fuel adaptations?
If so count me in!
£183 sounds very reasonable indeed!
Hi i dont know if it can reset your fuel thingy,, PM BBS GUY,
Sorry i cant anwser that.
Guys and Gals of this Landyzone forum.
After my few days of illness and absence i have again been in close contact with Paul (c099895)
I really do have to say just how much he is to be so very heartily commended for his willingness and effort in the organising of this group buy offer on all of your behalfs.

I am really quite shocked to read posts here suggesting he has any alteriour motive other than helping other LZ members to get something new and very worth having at a better discounted price than usual by collaberating LZ members together to make a group buy and so get a 20% discount.
My agreeing to also cover shipping costs to a single UK address as well is but my way to support his efforts in some small way. And for the record he is in no way getting a free unit or other personal back hander from us.
He will be paying just the same as anyone else who chooses to participate.
And my guess is he will be just as happy as anyone else with that.

For what its worth i can tell you that the FCR is an absolutely stunning bit of kit, and well worth every single penny, yea sure there will always be some dreamers thinking they should be able to buy such for 50 quid and there may well eventually be something else that may possibly be a bit cheaper than this, but in the meantime any owner will have definately saved themselves it's purchase cost several times over and still have something of a very high resale value.

We are after all no fly by night start up hobbyists at this, we have over 10 years worth of being respected as the absolute Rolls Royce of Land Rover diagnostic equipment providers behind us. If i tell you the FCR can read and clear all fault codes from all systems on any Land Rover it is designed to cover just as well if not better and faster than any dealer equipment, thats a bankable statement by any account.
Hiya Majortweaks
Nah sorry
I know there is some major hope, promise and crap bounded about in abundance regarding P38 systems and many really still just don't get it or refuse to believe, but the fact is that every single system used on the P38 was designed and implimented completely independantly by many differing companies, each with utterly different and unique ideologies on how diagnostic capabilities could and are provided by their many various on board systems.Some are so different that there systems cannot even share the same pins on the diagnostic connector. It has taken us many years to fully and properly understand each and every one as we do.

To provide a small stand alone mars bar sized bit of kit with its own LCD and keyboard that can sucessufully and correctly access absolutely every single system fitted to any P38 or covered Land Rover and read and clear each's fault codes at such a price is already quite some feat. If you want equipment that goes further then you shoukd look no further than our full on MSV-2 system.

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