All this abuse aimed at other Freelanderers is disappointing. Why not aim it at the tratterers instead?
Because there's a lot of ****s on there Hippo !

Just today the fella who can't get his IRD off - I don't know how on earth he thought it would come off with the driveshaft still attached! You do worry about some people. I sent in a "tersely polite" message, but deleted the last sentence being "Please post your reg number so people know not to buy it when you come to sell".

Then the fella also today with a rattle and was asking if the IRD had mounts? My terse/polite rely was that it levitates.

Do I need to continue?

Doesn't matter if people own Tratters or Freelanders - if they're talking stupid s**t, then they are asking stupid s**t.
As an aside, I follow the "LandyWatch" group/page on FB - about stolen Landies. TBH I think its a toothless waste of time, second only in Landy theft toothlessnes to the old bill, oh and CrimeWatchers and probably any other agency there to stop it.

Anyway, I happened to read a post today and someone commented....

"I can't believe the amount that are going on a weekly basis. It does worry me that some people on forums are part of groups going around stealing and obtaining info looking at posts etc"

I pooh poohed the idea at first. But I wonder if groups do target vehicles they see on forums such as LZ? It also got me thinking about whether they could sell on stolen stuff through LZ - so I had a look at the parts forum. First I looked at the rules, of which 2 are....

You must have 50 constructive posts
Commercial listings not allowed, unless you are a forum or commercial sponsor.

I then looked down the list of offerings. Most are specific items, then got to which is a generic "all parts available". This guy probably isn't nicking or selling nicked stuff, and the rego of the car he's breaking is clearly displayed, but this guy has made no "Constructive posts" (they've mainly been replying to "wanteds" etc) and it does look commercial, or at least semi-commercial because he's got various cars he's breaking.

I'd hate to think LZ could be used by gangs of Landy thiefs.
I am glad the freelander isn't as nick able as a fender.... I often see reshared posts about stolen landys..

Criminals do their research anywhere they can. I mean my digital foot print is probably so easy to follow if someone wanted my landy it wouldn't take them long to find me/it..... But I believe in fate. What happens happens. Part of that is due to dealing with fatal car crashes at work. So if so one is gonna steal from me, then I belive it would happen even if I didn't have pictures all over the Internet.
End of the day, there's only so much you can do to stop someone nicking your car, if they want it then they'll do their best to get it, no matter what you do!
Funny thing is the latest most expensive vehicles are the ones being targeted and they are being nicked without keys. Go look!!
Because there's a lot of ****s on there Hippo !

Just today the fella who can't get his IRD off - I don't know how on earth he thought it would come off with the driveshaft still attached! You do worry about some people. I sent in a "tersely polite" message, but deleted the last sentence being "Please post your reg number so people know not to buy it when you come to sell".

Then the fella also today with a rattle and was asking if the IRD had mounts? My terse/polite rely was that it levitates.

Do I need to continue?

Doesn't matter if people own Tratters or Freelanders - if they're talking stupid s**t, then they are asking stupid s**t.
Reminds me of when you first joined the forum. :boink:

Only joking

If you don't like what's on there don't read it. If they really don't know and don't want to learn you'll never convince them.
Funny thing is the latest most expensive vehicles are the ones being targeted and they are being nicked without keys. Go look!!
It was on the news. RR and Evoque nearly new. Whole vehicles targeted. I guess you can break them for new parts or as they showed on tv export them in shipping containers. They use diagnostic tools to create a new key via odbii so they can drive them away. Been happening for many tears but only now is it becoming more public.
Whoops...... Did I say somthing rude?

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