Wish I knew, strange! Maybe he got accused of taking money and not sending stickers, or maybe an issue with the other group!

I was thinking the latter. Some sort of sour grapes issue on their part perhaps. We shall see...
I was thinking the latter. Some sort of sour grapes issue on their part perhaps. We shall see...
Wasn't there something he was saying about group names being similar and they didn't like it, bunch of gimps anyway
Wasn't there something he was saying about group names being similar and they didn't like it, bunch of gimps anyway

Not sure. I know he added the "Official" bit to distinguish it from the, er, other group. Maybe they've just got the hump and complained. Why that would get you a Faecesbook ban tho, I don't know.

The Official group is still available.
Not sure. I know he added the "Official" bit to distinguish it from the, er, other group. Maybe they've just got the hump and complained. Why that would get you a Faecesbook ban tho, I don't know.
Farcebook have previous of banning first and asking questions later!
It's not facebook that is at fault here...... Once I have talked to Kevin I will be posting again here.......

I am contactable by PM if anyone needs me!
Can't understand all the fuss about why you've not been visible on FB mate, it's nobody else's business if you're not around FB or a forum for whatever period of time, I think some forget there is life outside of social media!
Well it's a personal matter from FB, but Kevin has the page under control. I will be popping in and out of here as and when!

And as britishwardog says its nobody else's business, but I am looking for the life outside!
Everyone has moved in to the official freelander owners group. Same dumb q's, but much more relaxed. Especially since Michael sold his Hippoo ������

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