reet - dun mee axles - seem to have found a cupple of broken leccy wires underneath - so anuvva job to do :(.

wots the best way to see if i got box breevas - do I have to take the centre tunnel orf?

yup - ded simple - only problem is routing the tube up to the bulkhead, cos its all curly and gets tied up with the electrics. Else no prob. Just taken out the centre dunny box and can see two plates and a little brass plug (got a springe under it), but no breevvas - where are they likely to be - if i got any?
yer int got any brevvers,, its a series ffs.. the most yer likely to harve is a bung bolt in it that yer might be able to use.


The tranny and g/box breevas are about 6" apart on mine & visible with the panel between yer seats off.. Cun't see yers is gunna be much different
Cant see nuffink - so Madame Slob may be rite - maybe yu can have a nose tomoz - obviously if it dont have breevas theres no need to extend them ;).

Slobby - mee ol' mucka - Grippa has got breevas - i just wanna be sure I have or havent.
has he gort a series box? or has some soft **** put them in cos they dint have them when them wur made
but yer series box nevva had brevvars. so someone must have put them in. can't think why they would wanna do that. it would be like installing brake adjusters on hydraulic disc brakes. yer just dint need them.

IF yer have breathers then yer might aswell just block the hole off.

yer dint need them and they only open the box up to stuff getting inside it.
MHM dont run your breathers into the cab. you will get more direct ep90 fumes... like its not bad enough in a series! or any land rover for that matter.

nice to see me post re-erected ;)

Cable tie them to the bulkhead near the heater matrix box. Plenty of clips that the loom goes through to tie them onto, plus they are well above your air intake level.
I've taken mine to just in front of the bulk head where the snorkle will eventually go up the windscreen, so all I have to do when I mek the aforesaid snorkle is drill some hole in the wing top, poke the tubes through, an extend em up the side of the snorkle.
ffs daft, ah dun told earlier... run em along side yer brake pipes to near yer brake cylinder. then yer can extend them up yer snorkel when mar..erm.. grippa makes yer one.
yu aint listenin, Slob. I dun the axles to the fannymould. Its the pipe from the fannymould to the snork (which I aint got). This pipe, i got with the kit, has the end folded back on itself fur sum reason. the fannymould is at the top of the bulkhead. If i cable tie it to the top of the bulkhead or by the heater - the outlet is gonna be lower than the fannymould.

I mite have enuf to go to the back of the truck cab - but its going to be tight.
the reason fer the end being folded back is simple!!!!
the opening is facing downwurd so **** can't fall into it and block it.

it done so yer can just tie it something and it will naturally point down.

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