Well obviously it's a bit wet, we are lucky to live on high ground so we didn't get flooded. The water being off is a pain in the arse, we did get water back on in Tewkesbury a couple of days ago but it aint fit to drink, least I can have a wash now.

Most of the water has gone now but theres talk of more on it's way.

Worst thing was the police closed all the roads, even when there was only a foot of water, so that spoilt my fun.

Round here They dint close the roads so most residents blocked them themselves to stop or slow traffic down, the ferkin idiots were off like fook creating waves which made matters worse and the 4X4 drivers were the worst.

Any how best of luck this weekend, you've got a bit more rain to come ant you?
Fair enough to close or block the roads in town a bow wave can do alot of damage.
Last friday I passed a dead merc estate with caravan attached in 3 feet of flood water, my bow wave lifted the caravan right up in the water which in turn lifted tha back of the merc off the ground and a couple of foot sideways :eek:. Oh and as the wave came back off the caravan the water washed up my windscreen, thank fook I got a snorkel on or it would have been dead Disco time :eek:.
And before anyone says too fast etc. that was in low first.

It's the country roads and ones out of town i'd like to see open :D at least those of us with the forsight to drive sensible vehicles could still get around ;) .

Reet - time fur a dumb Q agin regardin breevers.

I just got mysell a breeva kit - and i is a bit confused:confused: - it is fur my series 3.
The series 3 kits only seem to be axle kits - the disco/deepender kits include gbox/tbox fittings. As at least one series i know :)D) has box breevvas, i bought a deepender kit. here's the dumb Q....

apart from the axle positions, which are obvious, where do I fit the other bits on a series?
Routing the pipes seems critical too - along the axle and then the leaf springs? or wot routes do yu use, cos they need to flex with the axle - dont they?

any other idiot advice wud be gratefully received, coz I is hoping to fit this kit before the 18th!

by the way - no i dont have a snork - so the intention is to vent high into the cab at the mo.
you could run them along side yer brake pipes up into the injun compartment. or run them both towards the center of yer axle as that will be the place with least movment up and down. the rear would still be going along side the brake pipe and yud just have to route the front as best as possible
some of the early boxes 1's maybe 11's came with bungs in the top of them. you could perhaps use them. if not, either don't bother or use the inspection plates on the tops of the boxes.
personally i wint bother. its not like yer need them. if they int gort breathers already and yer int got problems, fitting extended ones int gonna solve ****, cos yer int got **** to solve
personally i wint bother. its not like yer need them. if they int gort breathers already and yer int got problems, fitting extended ones int gonna solve ****, cos yer int got **** to solve

I hope yur delayed that long enough so he's gone outside to do it...:D :D
well - i hope yu got yo brevvas too, Sirus - cos my frunt oil looks like light buttery mayo!:eek:

better to be safe than sorry - i fink!

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