think its time I had a go, how often do u go, where do you meet? is anyone welcome at thr cricketers? and when do you meet there?
Hi people
just got my 300 ready for some lanes/pay and play will hopefully be able to meet some of you at the cricketers. im based in near witham be good to meet some other landy people local to me
I have not done laning in Essex for a quite a while now, fingers crossed to that I be able to come along to one when work permits. I am near to Gatwick so its only an hour or so drive away from me :)

Would have along on the 1st May if I had not promised SWMBO a birthday dinner that night... DOH
This is a bit off topic but I thought if any one would now it would be you guys ,I would like to go and watch an off road event .Is there any held in the eastern area, we had the TMX for motocross events is there anything like that for 4WD ?.
Hello been recommend to join up in here by discodad so just saying hello and hope to come to a few local meets and have some fun off roading with you guys :)
Welcome. There is a pub meet in Colchester on Friday evening. Probably your best chance to meet a few of us and get to join in.

Unfortunately this page is not as busy as it used to be and isn't used much to arrange meets, most of it's done on a dedicated Facebook group call the Essex Mud Monkeys.

It's not that's easy though as loads of people joined the group that we had never met and nobody knew so we had a cull and now don't accept new members unless one of us knows them.

That's why it's best to come along to the meet and introduce yourself first. :)

Hope that makes sense.
Okay mate :) is it the one at the cricketers mentioned a few pages back at 7 iirc ?

Yeah il try get down the Friday and meet some people and hopefully be able to join the Facebook page


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