Most were easy drives but miles and miles long across the moors, were a couple of serious loose rocky ones up steep hills.
Count me in.
Ditto. I love the lakes and they have some cracking lanes, but its a good hour & half on top of Wales.
Never been so I'm up for it. Next question is does anyone have any free time to plan routes, look for accomodation, local sites etc.
Can't believe how well your taking it all Jon, amazing strength.

Linking along your other thread of making plans what are peoples thoughts on another trip away along the lines of the Wales trip a couple of years back?
Probably after Christmas now but maybe January/march time?

I would love to say yes but in all honesty I doubt I could do a weekend away, a days laning will take it out of me, unfortuantly I am past the point of reasonable health and really am down to a day activity and then a few days rest, I had the pain specialist round today and am having to have a complete medication change as morphine isn't cutting it anymore which shows how far it's gone.

I will be out for a day though as soon as I have e situation a bit more under control, I will keep people posted...
Jesus Jon that sounds awful :( Its good to see you looking at the few positives you have available and it certainly puts things into perspective. All the best mate.

Think i might need yet another new battery as its having trouble starting in the mornings already and its not even cold yet :( I really need to start remembering to disconnect the battery when not using it for months as i am doing a battery a year at the moment.
I would love to say yes but in all honesty I doubt I could do a weekend away, a days laning will take it out of me, unfortuantly I am past the point of reasonable health and really am down to a day activity and then a few days rest, I had the pain specialist round today and am having to have a complete medication change as morphine isn't cutting it anymore which shows how far it's gone.

I will be out for a day though as soon as I have e situation a bit more under control, I will keep people posted...

When you are able, what about a day around Thetford? Those lanes were not to bumpy and they are within an hour. Could include some time near the airbase. I went past this week just as some jets were coming in. Very nice.

You could always drive (or be driven) in a car and then jump in one of the trucks for as long as you want.
Take care mate and look forward to catching up soon.
When you are able, what about a day around Thetford? Those lanes were not to bumpy and they are within an hour. Could include some time near the airbase. I went past this week just as some jets were coming in. Very nice.

You could always drive (or be driven) in a car and then jump in one of the trucks for as long as you want.
Take care mate and look forward to catching up soon.

Local lanes will be fine I reckon, I don't want to go to far so I can skip off if needs be. I will be in the shogun still as it's a mates now and he wants to take it out plus I never really got to test it, it's also quite comfy which is a bonus. I may even try to get him to do a bures or Essex off road day as I can have a break there...
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Today was fluids day, but the lift werent playing ball:

But a quick tighten of the belts and it lifted it. Dunno how you guys do oil changes on the floor LOL:

Still got the other one festering:

Then i found a problem. Starting running the power wire for the amps and found a very wet floor:

Apprantly the AirCon breathers get blocked so ill be checking that the weekend....
Got my alternator back today from getting refurbed :)) £60 that's half the price of a new one lol (really got to start stripping to get the head off and skimmed & pressure checked - but the weather hasn't been very kind - you lot with workshops and barns and tools really do have an easy life, me I'm on a windy hill with no tools and a black gravel drive - so if I drop a nut, bolt, washer I am fooked!

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