So after many hours reading I'm still in denial about my possible head gasket issue (not hot air in cab) - bled the system many times, new thermostat, new p gasket, flushed the system no blockages. When I've removed the thermostat bleed valve I have seen air bubbles bubbling - I've done a sniff test and it come back negative. . I've just read a possible crack in my header tank could cause a problem. . So tomorrow I'm gonna be putting my lips around the header tank and blowing as hard as I can. . Any other suggestions before I start taking head off???
So after many hours reading I'm still in denial about my possible head gasket issue (not hot air in cab) - bled the system many times, new thermostat, new p gasket, flushed the system no blockages. When I've removed the thermostat bleed valve I have seen air bubbles bubbling - I've done a sniff test and it come back negative. . I've just read a possible crack in my header tank could cause a problem. . So tomorrow I'm gonna be putting my lips around the header tank and blowing as hard as I can. . Any other suggestions before I start taking head off???

Yeah. Take the head off!
So i collected my new retrimmed padded arm rest and gaitors. Very nice and posh :)


And after:

Very pleased :)
What is it doing wrong Chris?
I had problems with my kickdown cable after the mud dried hard. Result wouldn't change gear until I hit valve popping revs.

Off the mark pull away is very sluggish the have to give it a boot full in first before it'll change gear and all changes are far more aggressive than they used to be.
So after many hours reading I'm still in denial about my possible head gasket issue (not hot air in cab) - bled the system many times, new thermostat, new p gasket, flushed the system no blockages. When I've removed the thermostat bleed valve I have seen air bubbles bubbling - I've done a sniff test and it come back negative. . I've just read a possible crack in my header tank could cause a problem. . So tomorrow I'm gonna be putting my lips around the header tank and blowing as hard as I can. . Any other suggestions before I start taking head off???

Expansion bottle cap not sealing?
Hi guys, well it seems everyone is still fixing their trucks at the moment, reading through all the posts it did seem that maybe everyone would have a working one at one point but alas no, that's not how landrovers work!

I'm slowly getting a bit better after a major op and am hoping to do an evenings laning at some point, I have sold my truck but to a mate who is desperate to get it out, will be at least a month but hopefully soon, haven't been out for months now and I'm missing the mud!
Hello john. Glad to hear your feelng a little better.

Hopefully I should be ready to go out soon as well as a few of us.

Hope to see you soon.
My truck will hopefully be roadworthy within a few weeks. Would be good to catch up with everyone.

Good to hear from you John, if your up to it you are always welcome to do a few lanes in my old bone shaker.
The guy I sold mine to only lives over the road, he's a good mate and I gave him a hell of a deal as its not about the cash so he said I can have it anytime, I am a bit gutted I never got to use it properly. The problem at the moment is the jerking motion as I had my stomach cut open and it's very delicate...
Hi Jon good to see you back again, when you feel up to it let us know and we can sort out a trip, if driving yourself is uncomfortable your welcome to navigate in the passenger seat.
Keep positive.
I was gonna suggest a passenger ride in my comfy landy before I remembered the suspension on mine is a bit harsh off road. :)
Mine gets its first outting next Sunday when we are doing some Kentish lanes :) If anyone is interested the info is on our FB page (link in my sig)

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