There was a bit in the local paper last week about the locals being fed up with 'thrill seekers' in their 4x4s racing through Terling ford and cutting up the grass area
There was a bit in the local paper last week about the locals being fed up with 'thrill seekers' in their 4x4s racing through Terling ford and cutting up the grass area

Yawn.... :D Thrill seekers are people I'd say who borrow their mums wagon r+ or vitara with no snorkel or breathers and bomb it though - then get stuck half way.

There is nothing thrilling about terling lol I've been there enough times.

The only time I was ever "thrilled" in Essex is when I cacked myself sliding down a big muddy bank which Geoff and Nick witnessed :eek: :eek: :eek:
There was a bit in the local paper last week about the locals being fed up with 'thrill seekers' in their 4x4s racing through Terling ford and cutting up the grass area

It will be a real shame if it ends up getting closed.
I haven't beendownthere for ages, did t notice the grass being chewed up, but the concrete step was broken, bit that is more likely caused by tractors doubt a Landy would be heavy enough?
Its certainly deteriorating, you can feel the ruts and holes as you drive through it now.

Still makes a good underside car wash to clean off the worse of the winter salt though. :)
They meant the grassy area at the end with the bridge. people were using it to turn around. just recently two really big tree trunks have been placed there to stop people turning around next to the ford.
They meant the grassy area at the end with the bridge. people were using it to turn around. just recently two really big tree trunks have been placed there to stop people turning around next to the ford.

Hopefully that will prevent further damage and its closure.
The only local beach to me has had vehicle access prevented now. Really ****es me off as I used to launch from there.
Why is that Nick? was there problems with other vehicles abusing it?

Apparently so. I never saw any evidence of damage. Now the beach looks awful, they have partially sunk concrete barriers which are of course now covered in graffiti.
Hopefully that will prevent further damage and its closure.
The only local beach to me has had vehicle access prevented now. Really ****es me off as I used to launch from there.

I am gutted about this, we use to spend many a warm sunny day down there, I think it got closed as there were too many vehicles down there, on a hot sunday it was packed with launch vehicles!
Hopefully that will prevent further damage and its closure.
The only local beach to me has had vehicle access prevented now. Really ****es me off as I used to launch from there.

Are you talking about Bradfield, Nick? I used to fish there and that's the only beach near you that I can think of that had vehicle access. Unless you can get a key for the gate at Wrabness ;)
I am gutted about this, we use to spend many a warm sunny day down there, I think it got closed as there were too many vehicles down there, on a hot sunday it was packed with launch vehicles!

Are you talking about Bradfield, Nick? I used to fish there and that's the only beach near you that I can think of that had vehicle access. Unless you can get a key for the gate at Wrabness ;)

Yep that's the one (bradfield), no where local to park now so the few houses who ar close by, effectively have a private beach. Even without the graffiti its a eyesore, surprised ECC are allowed to get away with. I'm going to write to the ROW to express my opinion.

Re wrabness. I know it well :D and thankfully I can borrow a key for unloading / launching but then I have to park by the church an walk back down. Not perfect but better than not having access at all.
Yep that's the one (bradfield), no where local to park now so the few houses who ar close by, effectively have a private beach. Even without the graffiti its a eyesore, surprised ECC are allowed to get away with. I'm going to write to the ROW to express my opinion.

Re wrabness. I know it well :D and thankfully I can borrow a key for unloading / launching but then I have to park by the church an walk back down. Not perfect but better than not having access at all.

I live about a 10 min walk from Bradfield beach, though not been down there for a while
Yep that's the one (bradfield), no where local to park now so the few houses who ar close by, effectively have a private beach. Even without the graffiti its a eyesore, surprised ECC are allowed to get away with. I'm going to write to the ROW to express my opinion.

Re wrabness. I know it well :D and thankfully I can borrow a key for unloading / launching but then I have to park by the church an walk back down. Not perfect but better than not having access at all.

What do you launch, Nick? I used to have a fishing boat that I launched at Shotley then motored up to Wrabness to fish for bass in the summer.
TD5 have a push in not screw in, there is a brass insert in the casing which houses a small plastic gromit that the pipe secures into, or not in my case. I have bought some elbows with a 1/4" bsp tapered thread ( thats what the shop said ) I want to tap the brass insert to take the elbow. Im in Colchester friday PM if your around i could tap it out in a couple of minutes. cheers
TD5 have a push in not screw in, there is a brass insert in the casing which houses a small plastic gromit that the pipe secures into, or not in my case. I have bought some elbows with a 1/4" bsp tapered thread ( thats what the shop said ) I want to tap the brass insert to take the elbow. Im in Colchester friday PM if your around i could tap it out in a couple of minutes. cheers

When I've done them before I knocked out the brass insert with a slide hammer and tapped the axle. Drop me a txt Friday

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