Some people call the seat belt mounts that go from the chassis to the disco body (the threaded stud with a hole in the end for a pin) a body tie rod...apart from that i dont know what else it could be.

you looking into body lifts? ;)

Yes mate i was, for when we do the jobs aforementioned...

Im having an immobiliser issue too. Every other day or so, i turn the key and the immob light flashes. If i disconnect the battery, then put the ignition on, then reconnect the battery its fine again for a couple more days :(
Jon just checked the volt meter drops to zero when i turn the key.

Sounds like the battery then, if it dropped to 9V or something like that then the starter is trying but siezed, dropping to 0V suggests the battery isn't man enough, try a jump first and see what happens...
Put spare starter on, as the batteries are quite new. starts up on the button now. must have been christmas laning all the water then frost. Now got a rumbling from the rear so just going out and put stands under chassis and can check rear wheel bearings and get round to fitting my new shocks and mounts.
Put spare starter on, as the batteries are quite new. starts up on the button now. must have been christmas laning all the water then frost. Now got a rumbling from the rear so just going out and put stands under chassis and can check rear wheel bearings and get round to fitting my new shocks and mounts.

I used to have an issue on my old VW Bay where the solenoid would freeze up and go rusty if it was left for more than a few weeks (which it was).

Maybe do a solenoid strip down and see what happens.

Did you not just re con one or was that an alternator?
I used to have an issue on my old VW Bay where the solenoid would freeze up and go rusty if it was left for more than a few weeks (which it was).

Maybe do a solenoid strip down and see what happens.

Did you not just re con one or was that an alternator?

Yes reconned two starter motors, so i have a couple of spares. seem to go through them quite regularly. Checked rear wheel bearings and they seem fine did notice the breather from rear axle was out so maybe axle has got water in and that what the rumble is, will check that tomorrow
As normal bottom rubber mount for the new +5" shocks are too big and cant get the nut on, will drop it back down on to the wheels and see if that helps.
Have had to move fuel filter to fit new shock mounts, Gwen Lewis kit i bought says just slid and move fuel pipes, sounds easy but in Defender world its not that simple. Will get some pics up when all fitted and sorted.
Yes reconned two starter motors, so i have a couple of spares. seem to go through them quite regularly. Checked rear wheel bearings and they seem fine did notice the breather from rear axle was out so maybe axle has got water in and that what the rumble is, will check that tomorrow
As normal bottom rubber mount for the new +5" shocks are too big and cant get the nut on, will drop it back down on to the wheels and see if that helps.
Have had to move fuel filter to fit new shock mounts, Gwen Lewis kit i bought says just slid and move fuel pipes, sounds easy but in Defender world its not that simple. Will get some pics up when all fitted and sorted.

Yeah will be good for me to see some new shiny metal pics instead of looking at the bottom of a bucket of grout!
Well today I removed the brown dash from mine, swapped the matrix and refitted a grey dash and bled the coolant system up, and finally hot heaters. About bloody time! One Issue I now have since is the fuel pump isn't getting any power. We changed the relay checked the fuses but no joy. Ran another live to the pump and it fired up. So what have I not plugged in, or where do I find the wire to the pump in the cab?
Well today I removed the brown dash from mine, swapped the matrix and refitted a grey dash and bled the coolant system up, and finally hot heaters. About bloody time! One Issue I now have since is the fuel pump isn't getting any power. We changed the relay checked the fuses but no joy. Ran another live to the pump and it fired up. So what have I not plugged in, or where do I find the wire to the pump in the cab?

Sounds like your spider unit has been playing up on previous posts, maybe the dash change has disturbed it enough for it not to work any more.

Try taking it apart and looking for dry solder joints or something not plugged in properly. short of that its quite easy to bypass one it is removed.
My Landy is still not fixed due to crap weather and working to much, plan was to fix it yesterday but I woke up and couldn't breath, ended up going to hospital got an infection in my lungs, and now I'm missing all the fun out fording here's terling 2day
Think i still have an electrical issue :( Fitted a new battery 3 weeks ago, havent driven it in that time but went out to it saturday to get someone out of it and it wouldnt unlock. Did it by the key and tried to start it but nothing, no dash lights, no nothing. Measured the voltage across the battery and it was 5v :eek: never seen a battery that low. So do i have a drain somewhere or is it a duff battery?
Think i still have an electrical issue :( Fitted a new battery 3 weeks ago, havent driven it in that time but went out to it saturday to get someone out of it and it wouldnt unlock. Did it by the key and tried to start it but nothing, no dash lights, no nothing. Measured the voltage across the battery and it was 5v :eek: never seen a battery that low. So do i have a drain somewhere or is it a duff battery?

Could be either, check what current draw you have with the vehicle locked and alarmed, as long as its not over .5 amp your OK. The battery could be duff but any vehicle will generally flatten a battery after a few weeks just keeping alarm/immobiliser alive

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