Will text friday morning, i have got the brass insert out thought it would be easier to do that than arse about under the 90.
Yep that's the one (bradfield), no where local to park now so the few houses who ar close by, effectively have a private beach. Even without the graffiti its a eyesore, surprised ECC are allowed to get away with. I'm going to write to the ROW to express my opinion.

Re wrabness. I know it well :D and thankfully I can borrow a key for unloading / launching but then I have to park by the church an walk back down. Not perfect but better than not having access at all.

Im going to miss the days of Bradfield beach, a friend reposted a few pics this morning and this is exactly what im going to miss :(



and this is the reason for it, supposidly the protected birds were losing habitat, funny that as in all the times I have been down there I have never seen a vehicle stray off the sand...

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Well Mike and I struggled on till have past midnight last before calling it a night on his clutch change.
Got the new clutch in, box back on, mounts on and the clutch bled.
Left him go down this morning and finish putting his floors back in, fitting props, etc. all before he had to leave for work bless him .
Im going to miss the days of Bradfield beach, a friend reposted a few pics this morning and this is exactly what im going to miss :(



and this is the reason for it, supposidly the protected birds were losing habitat, funny that as in all the times I have been down there I have never seen a vehicle stray off the sand...


So called conservationists have a lot to answer for. It makes me really angry when they push things like this through without a thought or care for those who are being banned or restricted.
You would think several billion gallons of sea water washing up there twice a day would be more of a big deal than a couple cars. What's the point ?
So called conservationists have a lot to answer for. It makes me really angry when they push things like this through without a thought or care for those who are being banned or restricted.

You would think several billion gallons of sea water washing up there twice a day would be more of a big deal than a couple cars. What's the point ?

Its the same old story, a few conservationists see some vehicles on the beach and automatically think its a problem. That beach was always prestine despite years of vehicles on it. We use to camp down there and when we left you couldn't even tell anyone had been there, its stupid and it has ruined what is a lovely area for many people. They could have put the barriers further up the beach and allowed people to still use it, I am tempted to have start a petition to get it re-opened, I know there are thousands of people who enjoyed that beach!
Its the same old story, a few conservationists see some vehicles on the beach and automatically think its a problem. That beach was always prestine despite years of vehicles on it. We use to camp down there and when we left you couldn't even tell anyone had been there, its stupid and it has ruined what is a lovely area for many people. They could have put the barriers further up the beach and allowed people to still use it, I am tempted to have start a petition to get it re-opened, I know there are thousands of people who enjoyed that beach!

Let me know if you start a petition. Might be an idea to write to the local media and MP. This government are supposed to be all for family values, so might be interested to hear that a lot of families are being penalised for no good reason.
I bet a pay and display machine would sort their concerns over damage to the mud.
If the barriers I saw are £4k's worth then I'm in the wrong Fooking job. I'll take some photos over the weekend and post them.

We're an island nation, surely we have a right to access our shores :mad:

Steve, in answer to your earlier question its only kayaks for the time being. Should have been a 15ft fletcher but the government supported venture capitalists put pay (or rather lack of) to that idea.

Enough moaning from me. It's the weekend and I have a VAT free day machinemart parcel to open along with a bottle of Rioja :D:D:D
36" foot breaker bar, 18" breaker bar (broke my 24" touque wrench, used as a breaker :eek: ), new angle grinder, set of metric sockets, box of drill bits. Resisted the welder due to lack of funds, but I think its meant to be.
Machine Mart have emailed me another VAT free code, valid for 10 days. Sooooooooooo tempting to put on the credit card.

Also want a generator as I've got no power where the breaker is.
36" foot breaker bar, 18" breaker bar (broke my 24" touque wrench, used as a breaker :eek: ), new angle grinder, set of metric sockets, box of drill bits. Resisted the welder due to lack of funds, but I think its meant to be.
Machine Mart have emailed me another VAT free code, valid for 10 days. Sooooooooooo tempting to put on the credit card.

Also want a generator as I've got no power where the breaker is.

I like tools, i do. Nick let me know if you need a welder at any time your welcome to borrow mine.
I ve been reading the thread about the camping on the beach thing, as you know I do a lot of wild camping through out the year, and in many places.. as it happens I am off at 11 to a place at Wickham Market...

Now bearing in mind that basicly camping wild with out the land owners permission is illegal in England, this also include a public place, unless you had the permission of the owner....

I visit many woodlands, and other areas we would like to camp, , and low and behold I would say every place I find somewhere were a group of people have camped.. there's beer cans and bottles strune round, I ve seen piles of loo roll, S**t, Tampons, and condoms on the floor, last Aug I was stealth camping in Donnyland wood, and there were a group of girls late teens/early twenty s camping, late morning we walked out past their camp site, above was what we found.... plus a fire still burning.

Bearing that in mind, yes I know nobody leaves a camp site like that... apart for a very small minority, but landowners have to deal with it.... and that have repercussions.. we have even seen the Argos camping kits left on site when people leave...

I can see why it gets stopped.. as it happens yes we did clean up the girls camp site, we would rather not have things spoilt for others...

It only takes 1 person to f**k it up for all of us.... to do more damage to a mud flat, then the sea, lets face it its taken evolution over many thousand's of years to resist damage by the tide.. but hey idiots with cars have only been around a number of decades... so nature has not yet learnt to cope with that... the same goes for beer cans,

I know sounds like a rant but just my perspective of the situation, I don't want to see any wild space that we can camp locked down either. but its not so much the conservationist, that are doing it is people like the public causing them to due to a couple of idiots......

By the way I am not pointing fingers.. I have spoken to many land owners looking for good camp sites and come against the same augments every time... The brush that paint all people they don't know the same...

I appoligise to go on but Its a subject close to my heart.. I am just waiting for the flaming responses, but hey I am now off to sleep under a tarp for the weekend... see you guys some time tomorrow night..
Now bearing in mind that basicly camping wild with out the land owners permission is illegal in England, this also include a public place, unless you had the permission of the owner....


Yep the number of peeps I've met that think that the right to roam Act gives them the right to camp there as well is truly staggering. :(
Yep the number of peeps I've met that think that the right to roam Act gives them the right to camp there as well is truly staggering. :(

And again, I was having this discussion with someone at work last week that likes to do a bit of "ray mearing" as he calls it. It seems to be REALLY popular :confused: He couldn't grasp the concept that it isn't your land therefore you shouldn't be on it. If anyone camped on my land without permission they would have one rude awakening!

Not any different to 4x4ing. The more people that #### it up - the more lanes that get closed.

Even dog walking causes problems where we used to live...... :eek:

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