I'm now doing a double today so working from 9am till 11pm. With the added bonus of paintball injuries and a hangover that could slay a walrus!
Really, really need a job that doesn't involve weekends.
I'm now doing a double today so working from 9am till 11pm. With the added bonus of paintball injuries and a hangover that could slay a walrus!
Really, really need a job that doesn't involve weekends.

A doubles no good......thats a long day.

What paintball injuries it dont hurt realy, where did you go, I have not played for ages, will have to get my gear out and get on to walkon soon I used to play at least wice a month.
Taking one to the left nut DOES hurt.
We went to one at Notley Enterprise Park, really go place and spent less than 40 for the whole day!
I presume you have a landy and want to try a bit of laning. Where are you in Essex?

Today has been cancelled due to most people not being able to make it, but guy is coming round mine for a cuppa and maybe some work on the landy.

Your welcome over to meet us if you like. If you want you can pm me your number and I will text you my address.

Guy is getting here about midday.


:blabla: have a 1989 110 200tdi and a 1971 88 200tdi
Ahhh paint ball, I've done it once and loved it! Me wanna go next time?

Bures! Keep it on the Essex channel of 20 lol,

A big thanks to Brian for helping fit a new alternator belt, cheers mate.
Ahhh paint ball, I've done it once and loved it! Me wanna go next time?

Bures! Keep it on the Essex channel of 20 lol,

A big thanks to Brian for helping fit a new alternator belt, cheers mate.

I would not mind playing, Can I use my own markers there?, not good paying £5 for 100 balls tho. but thats a punter day.

I pay £10 play fee and £30 per box of 2000, on a walkon day at tendering.

Yep channel 20
Blimey that is cheap! Thought we got a good deal here.
Most places it ends up costing over £100 for the day!

Dont forget thats on a walk on day, that means that we all got our own gear, ie the markers, masks ect. I been playing like that for a good few years now.

some times the site i play allows people to come and use site guns for a small fee on walkon days.

so for example the walkone fee would be £15 marker rental £5, then the paint on top, brought by the box, what you got to remember, is that the markers that we us own gunners use are a bit better the the rental ones......for example mine will do upto 25 balls per second, if i open up the programming, I normaly run on about 10 BPS, even then I can get thruogh 3 to 4 Boxes in a days play........
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