Quick question,

does cable length affect CB set up?

i currently have a 10 m cable bunched up underneath the headlining, will this affect the actual function of the CB?

I got the same johny I bought a new conector from maplins yesterday and I'm going to cut my cable down a bit, will get some pics up later of where I mounted my cb in the roof.
did you fix it to the roof in the end. Got any pics.

Yes i did, worked a charm, will get some pics up for you.

was thinking, if the support rib is internal (you should be able to tell if you can see the weld spots on the roof) then surely you could just use the same as i did, but rather than rivet/rivnut, have the downwards facing bolt attached to a 'U' shaped bracket and just bolt through the spar itself as its internal and will be hidden by the headlining?
Yes i did, worked a charm, will get some pics up for you.

was thinking, if the support rib is internal (you should be able to tell if you can see the weld spots on the roof) then surely you could just use the same as i did, but rather than rivet/rivnut, have the downwards facing bolt attached to a 'U' shaped bracket and just bolt through the spar itself as its internal and will be hidden by the headlining?

thats what i had in mind, will get out there later and have a look.
Good to meet you today Dirtnewbie. Good luck with your quest and I hope to see it on my driveway soon :D

On another note, Dirtnewbie was here to see the final coat of spray go on to the underside of my disco. Gonna give it another blow over about 6pm tonight to use up the rest of the paint then let it harden for a few days. Did get a bit of overspray on the new galv'ed chassis though :eek: Oh well...

Got the body mount bolts to try and get in tomorrow morning then I'll be taking it for it's first drive :)
can anyone give me some advice on CB setup as i am fast running out of patience with it.....

i had my cb set up with a large whip aerial, cb mounted to roof spar, and 10m of cable in between

could not get the SWF below 2 for channels 1 or 40. It was telling me that channel 1 was higher (suggesting i needed to increase the lenght of my aerial, which i physically couldn't any more)

i then, in the interests of tidiness, cut away 7m of the cable and now the SWF is off the scale on channel one, and barely registers on channel 40.

as i said, if someone could help me understand where i am going wrong here otherwise i fear i will probably lose my temper with it haha
can anyone give me some advice on CB setup as i am fast running out of patience with it.....

i had my cb set up with a large whip aerial, cb mounted to roof spar, and 10m of cable in between

could not get the SWF below 2 for channels 1 or 40. It was telling me that channel 1 was higher (suggesting i needed to increase the lenght of my aerial, which i physically couldn't any more)

i then, in the interests of tidiness, cut away 7m of the cable and now the SWF is off the scale on channel one, and barely registers on channel 40.

as i said, if someone could help me understand where i am going wrong here otherwise i fear i will probably lose my temper with it haha

Know exactly how ya feel mate both readings on mine on channel 1 & 40 are both in the red just under the set Mark on the swr with 1 being slightly higher than 40 suggesting to lengthen ariel witch I can't do being a 1 1/2 meter whip aerial from marlins not sure what to do know:confused:
Try someone else's areial. That will tell you if it's your or not.

Cheers George got my old mag mount out and connected that up and got low swr readings :) so it either a dodgy mount or lead causing a short think I'll buy new ones of each and be done.

Johny as your readings went off the scale when you shortened your lead you could have a short in ya lead.
Yes i did, worked a charm, will get some pics up for you.

was thinking, if the support rib is internal (you should be able to tell if you can see the weld spots on the roof) then surely you could just use the same as i did, but rather than rivet/rivnut, have the downwards facing bolt attached to a 'U' shaped bracket and just bolt through the spar itself as its internal and will be hidden by the headlining?

Went to have a look at the roof to mount CB then realized can't mount it there i,ve got a sun roof, still on a brighter note finally got the rock sliders finished and painted today, will fit them tomorrow and some pics to follow.
Cable length should not really make any difference with a low SWR, you probably have not got a good connection to the ground, i.e to the body, you may have to put a separate ground in from the base, down to the chassis.

if the cable is coiled you can get some form of inductance so keep it down to what is needed, no point in having loads of spare cable anyway.

The radiating part is only the when the feeder cable stops, i.e at the base, I f i remember right 27MHz is about 11m, the antenna can be a 1/2 wave length, 1/4 wave length, 1/8 wave length.... and so on. So in theory the cable length should not make any difference,

Either you have a dicky connection, a short, Ground Plane Problem, if you have a Meter check that the screen is grounded out to say the chaissis, disconect all the cables and check for shorts ect,
Just ordered a new thunderpole ariel and body mount and 3 meter cable on eBay so should be here in the next few days:) been running some continuity test on my old cable and mount in the shed and seams the mount was shorting out seams I had a dud, never mind at least I can set it up proper next week:)
Just ordered a new thunderpole ariel and body mount and 3 meter cable on eBay so should be here in the next few days:) been running some continuity test on my old cable and mount in the shed and seams the mount was shorting out seams I had a dud, never mind at least I can set it up proper next week:)

Thought you may have.... at least it sorted now, well when you get the new one.
Are you still coming to the RR tomorrow?

Yes - will be there about 10 to 10:15ish. I've got some rubbish to take down the tip which is on the way and a few jobs to quote in Woodbridge then I'll go from RR back to home to get my welding gear then off to sort this TD5 out. Once that's sorted I'll drop the crane off at Mikes and then go home and refit my interior :cool:

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