Anyone coming colchester/ipswich way, meet at Assington Post office at 8.45, anyone coming Braintree way then the entrance to the Pit off road site at 8.45
I ve done quite a bit of work on the Morroco trip, so far, Got a route planed from UK through france, spain, down the west side of morroco through Marakesh, along the plage Blanch, then inland eastwards, then up towards Fez, back home,

Looking at about 21 days in all, the idea was to get a route that we could all chat about and work out so it suits everyone, as far as when to go I like the Idea of leaving the Olympics behind in the UK next year.
Nick, bumper still isn't here. Guy had a few family issues by the sounds of it so it has apparently taken longer.

Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow!!!
I ve done quite a bit of work on the Morroco trip, so far, Got a route planed from UK through france, spain, down the west side of morroco through Marakesh, along the plage Blanch, then inland eastwards, then up towards Fez, back home,

Looking at about 21 days in all, the idea was to get a route that we could all chat about and work out so it suits everyone, as far as when to go I like the Idea of leaving the Olympics behind in the UK next year.

Next time you are up the club, ask Andy Cutting with the White trayback Disco about Morroco, he's a bit of an old hand.
anyone been PM'd the postcode yet by any chance? today's my last opportunity to print off any directions (in case the satnav fails), as my printer at home's shafted! :D
Meeting at 8.45 at those 2 locations. PM me if you are coming to Bures Pit and you want my mobile number. :)

I will be waiting till about 9.00am unless I get a call asking me to hang on cos your running late.

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