Only 4 of us?? That's not an issue at all, but I'm sure I remember there being more...

I'm sure Co-Pang-Yang was coming too... maybe one or two others?!? :confused:
Mathew has to work, not sure about Geoff (wikford90) and Chris might pop on after work but not in a landy and not sure if anyone else is coming.
Mathew has to work, not sure about Geoff (wikford90) and Chris might pop on after work but not in a landy and not sure if anyone else is coming.

If I get motor fixed will try and pop down, have not had time to sort out weird noise. hope to have a look tomorrow.
PM me post code please
Almost the whole county is locked down between October and April, and by locked down I mean padlocked gates.

I wish all TRO'd lanes were. Would save a lot of time / research and alleviate the risk of locals moving signs around.

As Stuart said April is only a few weeks away. I'm more thinking of summertime. but I'm also tempted to try to setup a long weekend in the Wales or the peak district? (funds & leave permitting).
I wish all TRO'd lanes were. Would save a lot of time / research and alleviate the risk of locals moving signs around.

As Stuart said April is only a few weeks away. I'm more thinking of summertime. but I'm also tempted to try to setup a long weekend in the Wales or the peak district? (funds & leave permitting).

Stu and me were talking about doing wales, perhaps we can arrange a date to arrange a meet to arrange a trip. maybe sometime.
Stu and me were talking about doing wales, perhaps we can arrange a date to arrange a meet to arrange a trip. maybe sometime.

Yeah we were talking about a trip early this year, But at the mo I am affraid that my funds will not allow it, untill I get a job that brings a decent living.

But would love to do one, sometime.
well... it's moderately offensive, potentially, but i've certainly been told to "do one" from time to time, and there you were saying you'd love to sometime! :D:D:D

no offense meant, and it's not even really funny, but my brain works in strange ways sometimes... (just ask my work colleagues!) :D
I'll meet you at that juction with the A12 if you want nick, give you some support and back up if you need it nick.

Let me know if you are doing it on friday Nick if Iam off that afternnon, I'll pop over and give you a hand.

Managed to get Friday afternoon off, boss thinks i have an interview (I wish i did!).
If your bored your more then welcome to pop over. can provide lunch - I'm a bit of pro in the kitchen (cheese on toast:D ).
But i must be finished by 18:00 or I'm going to be in trouble!

JUst an idea......

Can you see where the leak is coming from in the gasket?

if its a small leak cant you just bodge it up with a resin of some sort untill you get there on sunday?, or is that a silly sugestion, would save you time on friday.

Hard to see where. Hopefully get it sorted Friday afternoon.

Meeting point for Sunday to be pm'd over later to:


Anyone I have missed?

Drizz has PM'd me the village, but not the postcode (yet). Once gain thanks for organising.

Whos coming from which way???

I'll be coming from Manningtree, thro Dedham. Stu, do you want to meet up on toute, maybe at Higham. I think thats the way from Ipswich?
Managed to get Friday afternoon off, boss thinks i have an interview (I wish i did!).
If your bored your more then welcome to pop over. can provide lunch - I'm a bit of pro in the kitchen (cheese on toast:D ).
But i must be finished by 18:00 or I'm going to be in trouble!
Hard to see where. Hopefully get it sorted Friday afternoon.
Drizz has PM'd me the village, but not the postcode (yet). Once gain thanks for organising.
I'll be coming from Manningtree, thro Dedham. Stu, do you want to meet up on toute, maybe at Higham. I think thats the way from Ipswich?

Yeah If I am about and not working , as I did not today,:mad::mad::mad:, got a text at 04:30 this morn to tell me there is no work....:(:(:(. I will be over to give you a hand mate,

Yeah be good to meet up with ya at Higham on sunday morn
Hope you all have a good landy bashing day :D I'll be going to Cambridge on Sunday morning in a beaten up old Tranny so wish me luck :)

With I could come but if the money doesn't come in the landy will have to go!!
Hope you all have a good landy bashing day :D I'll be going to Cambridge on Sunday morning in a beaten up old Tranny so wish me luck :)

With I could come but if the money doesn't come in the landy will have to go!!

Shame you can't get there Matt, but I think we all understand, with out the £££££'s we cant do things, making a living comes first.

Hopfuly there will be another time.
Yeah If I am about and not working , as I did not today,:mad::mad::mad:, got a text at 04:30 this morn to tell me there is no work....:(:(:(. I will be over to give you a hand mate,

Yeah be good to meet up with ya at Higham on sunday morn

No prob - ring me on my personal number is you can make it.
If not I'll meet you at Higham on Sunday.

My daughters passport was delivered today, asked Rach to describe the guy, but obviously wasn't you anyway.

Hope you all have a good landy bashing day :D I'll be going to Cambridge on Sunday morning in a beaten up old Tranny so wish me luck :)

With I could come but if the money doesn't come in the landy will have to go!!

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully once all the motors are fixed we can do a little laning one evening. If not I will def be going to the April SLROC driving day, but wont get there until 13:00.
Did you get your bumper? would like to take a look once its fitted.

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