I've got a GEMS syncmate that I hire out - but a couple of things to check first.

You say when you plug the other engine ECU in, the dash lights go out when you go to crank, but nothing happens. 1) Does the orange 'Check engine' light go out with the key in position II and the replacement ECU fitted. If not, then it is a security sync issue (at least) and the Syncmate should sort that out 2) with the replacement ECU, does it actually turn over, or do you get absolutely nothing?

It's a pity I'm not closer aswell, as I have a Nanocom which is unlocked for all P38's!

Hi martyuk sorry for not getting back, but I've been unwell, I think the engine 'check light' comes on with all the other lights with the replacement ecu connected, but when I turn the key to crank it all the lights go out & nothing happens, it does not crank, no clicking of relays etc just silent.
Hi All, sorry for not getting back, but I've been unwell, must of caught it off the Rangie! Have not had any joy yet, still trying to find someone with a sync mate to try on it.
Tried a few diag. but the only fault they come up with is lamda sensor heater short circuit, but that should not stop it from starting.
Hi All, sorry for not getting back, but I've been unwell, must of caught it off the Rangie! Have not had any joy yet, still trying to find someone with a sync mate to try on it.
Tried a few diag. but the only fault they come up with is lamda sensor heater short circuit, but that should not stop it from starting.

For £50 you could get @pete12345 or @DanClarke to add the GEMS module to their Nanocom. I'm sure they'd be willing to pop over for petrol money whenever you needed it. Once the cars are fixed and stable you'll probably never need it again.
This is true, and for a similar amount of money you can buy the Sync-Mate which would be yours to keep forever, but it only fixes this one issue.
You are right Storm, (My mistake, sorry) its is £110.
Hire Marty's for a week? I think its a very modest fee.
Or, as @Grrrrrr says stump up for one of us Nanocom owners near you to buy the GEMS unlock code so we can help you.
Hi martyuk sorry for not getting back, but I've been unwell, I think the engine 'check light' comes on with all the other lights with the replacement ecu connected, but when I turn the key to crank it all the lights go out & nothing happens, it does not crank, no clicking of relays etc just silent.
It still cranks fine on the old ecu, but the injectors do not inject ! as mentioned earlier, if I give her a squirt of brake cleaner & she fires up on that, she will keep running. So must then be getting a signal somehow, but will not restart.
If it fires up on the old ECU, then that's synced to the BECM... if you swap the ECU then it won't be synced.

I hire the syncmates for £35 (includes 1st class postage) and a £50 deposit which is refunded when it's returned.

If it cranks fine on the old ECU but injectors don't inject then is it worth checking the feed to the injectors? They have a permanent power feed going to all 8 injectors, and then the ECU triggers them by providing a ground. If none of the injectors are firing, then could be something like that if it's common across all of them. Though I would think that's a bit of an unlikely scenario as that feed goes to the engine ECU aswell as a few of the other sensors..

Something really strange is going on then!
My advice now is to take it to a garage that is familiar with landies. Tell them everything you've found burnt track etc. Let them have a go. Do I think your new ecu will cure your problem after a sync..maybe but I have grave doubts. New (old) maf? Any movement on where on the red plug the burnt track went ? Continuity on your repair?. Even a mobile auto spark will only charge you £25 or so to have a look. Good diagnoses relies on ruling stuff out one thing at a time not chucking parts at it then stalling because you can't sync a part that's probably ok. Sorry but it's time for pros.
I'm new to this I've got a p38 2.5 BMW engine and it's been hard start recently but a few days ago it will not start at all turns over but won't fire up I noticed diesel leaking around one of the injectors which I thought may have been the leak off pipes which I've jst changed all of them my question is do I have to bleed the system now or should it start up ?..of so how do I go about it I'm new to Diesel engines been more of a petrol head most my life thanks
I'm new to this I've got a p38 2.5 BMW engine and it's been hard start recently but a few days ago it will not start at all turns over but won't fire up I noticed diesel leaking around one of the injectors which I thought may have been the leak off pipes which I've jst changed all of them my question is do I have to bleed the system now or should it start up ?..of so how do I go about it I'm new to Diesel engines been more of a petrol head most my life thanks
Stick this in a new thread fella, you'll get a better response;)
Many thanks to all for your help & sorry I not been back, I have been unwell for a time.
I'm thinking of selling the Rangie now apart from the current issue its all in pretty good order with only 66800 on the clock, anyone interested?
Many thanks to all for your help & sorry I not been back, I have been unwell for a time.
I'm thinking of selling the Rangie now apart from the current issue its all in pretty good order with only 66800 on the clock, anyone interested?
Pictures help as does a description!

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