Just think about the feeling you'll have when its all done & that 1st start up on the bench :D

I remember my 1st rebuild, oh it was daunting, also done in the days before the internet and no real help from anyone :(

Just wait until you come to getting the crank an rods balanced an see how smooth it'll run then ;)
The new exhaust manifold is in three bits. What’s the best way to seal them together? Smear of gun gum? Keen not to have any bits of cement flying into my nice rebuilt turbo
The new exhaust manifold is in three bits. What’s the best way to seal them together? Smear of gun gum? Keen not to have any bits of cement flying into my nice rebuilt turbo
I used something similar to that, can't remember the brand. Pretty sure it had glass fibre in it to hold it together.
Nor me, but I don't know what else would stand the heat.

The key is to use a very light smear, certainly not globs of it, it does stay tacky for quite a while and uses engine heat to cure so it's fine to smear it on lightly and then assemble without fear of it going off, if your manifold is suspect in terms of warp or pitting then it's best to get it skimmed or do the old sand paper and flat surface trick to reface it.
When fitting the fly wheel housing the manual doesn't mention a gasket just says use
Hylogrip 2000 sealant. But there was clearly a gasket fitted as there are remnants. Do I need both?

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