Surprisingly craddocks have them but can't advise what make the pistons are, and island 4x4 have the britpart ones in, the engine builder advised to get the 030 then the block is not on its limit
used to go to +60 then you fitted liners and went back to std, if its plus 20 now and is worn, plus 40 is best bet as your sure of fresh cast iron, i speak as someone who has bored and honed a lot of those blocks
The block is std at the moment, he said he possibly could get away with 020 but would rather do 030, he also said he needs the pistons as each piston manufacturers tolerances are different
The block is std at the moment, he said he possibly could get away with 020 but would rather do 030, he also said he needs the pistons as each piston manufacturers tolerances are different
i said at the beginning you buy pistons and bore/hone to the actual piston sizing as they differ between the same makes not just different makes, if its std plus 20 should be ample unless its had water stood in bores,britpart pistons should be fine
reawakening this good thread,
i have got my cylinder head back today from having a unleaded conversion done and am thinking of doing the rings,bigends etc
regarding post 3,how big/sharp can the lip at the top of the bore be before it causes problems?,if it is minor can it be honed?
hone it , you used to be able to buy ridge dodger rings as a matter of interest but if its that bad a rebore would suit better
its only small,i can just nick it with my fingernail,i have a bore measuring tool on its way so i can check the tolerances and tbh a rebore is quite likely,its on 90,000m with standard pistons,copper is just showing on the shells
i am just working out my options,the local place charges 250 + parts for the rebore,
thats how i found this informative thread,

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