
New Member
Hi everyone - I have a Land Rover Series III 2.25 petrol 88 from 1976. I've had it 3 months and everything has been running sweet. It's had a new fuel pump, carb and new condenser fitted recently (I had some easily fixable probs early on).

I started on a one-way trip to North Sweden a few days ago (my gf is Swedish and I am relocating the Landy!). Probably asking a bit much to go circa 2,600 miles without something happening, but I made it into Sweden, cruising along when I hear a single 'pop' (not loud or abrasive) and the engine cuts out and I rolled to a graceful stop. (Why can't they make the hard shoulder wider than a car width here??!). The starter turns the engine, and I initially thought the rotor arm was broken because it wasn't turning, but when I removed the oil breather on top the engine and peered in, it seems the timing chain isn't moving when you try to start, which to me suggests a bit of a problem.

My question is - if the timing chain isn't moving, would that suggest a cam is broken, or perhaps (as the garage suggested), it's totally screwed and I probably need a new engine? :eek:

Anyway, apart from being stuck half way to Lapland and all the garages closed for 'summer holiday', it's currently spending the night in a Volvo dealership garage who are also a Land Rover service centre, although they aren't familiar with something 'so old'.

They might have time to investigate the problem further for me today although I don't fancy getting a dealership to do major engine work that could take weeks, so i'm open to ideas about transporting the car another 2,000km through Sweden without a flying carpet so I can do the repairs myself in my own garage.

At the moment i'm stuck in a Hotel in Hassleholm and sleeping isn't easy when your Landy is sick.

are yer sayin that yer set off on a journey like that, in a 32 year old Landy, without breakdown / recovery cover?
thats a fair old trip to take an old landy!! i'd be calling garages and getting quotes for shifting it the rest of the way up the road! sounds like a serious problem, did u bring any tools?
cruising along when I hear a single 'pop' (not loud or abrasive) and the engine cuts out and I rolled to a graceful stop. possibly timing chain broken - take the timing cover off and have a look (Why can't they make the hard shoulder wider than a car width here??!). The starter turns the engine, and I initially thought the rotor arm was broken because it wasn't turning, I think this is driven by the camshaft but when I removed the oil breather on top the engine and peered in, it seems the timing chain Yu cant se the timing chain from the oil breather - only the rockers and shaft isn't moving when you try to start, which to me suggests a bit of a problem.

My question is - if the timing chain isn't moving, would that suggest a cam is broken, or perhaps (as the garage suggested), it's totally screwed and I probably need a new engine? :eek:


Any other ideas?
Will paddocks ship to Sweden?
On the 2.25 does timing chain failure screw up the valves - or is there always clearance to the pistons?
You say rotor arm not turning with starter engaged , I take it that bottom crank pully is turning.
You say looked in rocker cover and rockers not moving.
Therefore conclusion (correct) timing chain broken.
remove rad, remove cyl head, and front cover of engine.
parts most likely required,
1. head gasket set,
2. possibly push rods
3. timing chain
4. possibly tappet slides (brass centre of tappet(cam follower) assy)
5. timing cover oil seals
Not a big job , doable in a day.
I would suggest that if you are fitting timing chain then fit mew sprokets to cam, crank and tensioner.
The engine is certainly not b.e. r. HTSH
Yes, I took out breakdown recovery, that's how I got to the garage. Unfortunately they won't relay you to your destination - and they will only repatriate the car if it costs less than the value of the vehicle. Anyways, going back to the UK would defeat the point of getting it here.

So is there anything I would be able to see looking in the oil breather hole, or am I jumping to conclusions and actually it could be a simpler problem like a faulty distributor?

Thanks tacr2man - what does b.e.r.HTSH mean?

What's the best place to get parts from (most likely in-stock)? I know there's a few online, but would be great if anyone has any recommendations :)
you shud be able to see the rockers moving - if they arent, its timing chain. HOWEVER you need to be absolutely certain you arent doing more damage before you turn it over any more.

ascertain (someone on here) if the valves hit the piston on this engine if the timing chain breaks.

if they dont - then check the rockers move (try turning the engine by hand and listen carefully when yu do it.

yu can also try turning the distributor arm - if it rotates on its own, then its the drive gear/camshaft. If it wont then its most likely timing belt.

if you only need to change the timing belt, then you dont need to take the head off, providing it hasnt done any other damage. If it has then change everything as above - I would change the cam followers at the same time, too.

b.e.r = beyond economic repair

Paddocks are a good start.
b e r means beyond economic repair'

HTSH hope thats some help

remove rocker cover three nuts see if rockers move when engine rotated

2.25 is chain type cam drive
if pistons and valves meet then either push rod bends or bridge in brass cam follower fractures , unusual for valves to be harmed or pistons

for parts try paddocks, or landrover parts shop both on line , make sure you have identified ALL parts needed before ordering, so strip as I suggested in my previous post, then order parts, you will need to check all the cam followers. pushrods , you will have plenty of time to clean up and prep for reassembly . give them all details of vehicle and engine as you want right first time. :)
Thanks for your help everyone. It's in the garage now. The timing chain is broken, and the small sprocket on the crankshaft has lost a tooth thanks to a bolt from the metal guiding thing that got mangled.. Thankfully there doesn't appear to be any damage to the rest of the engine.

I have the parts ordered - should arrive tomorrow. Will report back when I know what the result is!

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