hello all
I changed the knackered old engine in my defender for a half decent one from a 300 tdi discovery starts ok but even on full throttle will only just tick over.what have I missed????
hello all
I changed the knackered old engine in my defender for a half decent one from a 300 tdi discovery starts ok but even on full throttle will only just tick over.what have I missed????
Connecting or adjusting the throttle cable o_O
As in same revs regardless of how much you press accelerator? That'll be a issue with cable or accelerator part of FIP
If the throttle cable is attached properly and you have full movement at the accelerator on the top of the pump, I would check the fuel supply for pipes connected the wrong way round or trapped or crushed pipes.
Was it a 300tdi before the swap?
Flow and return banjo bolts on the FIP have different sized ports. You've maybe fitted the return banjo bolt in the flow on the pump.
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all the pipes and throttle cable are connected correctly. new filter bled system still only rough tick over on full throttle
What about correct flow and return to the lift pump, easily done (ask me how I know) and the engine will still run. They have the same size connections....
Quick update from my previous post.sorry it's been so long other projects. someone had replaced the inspection cover and put one bolt it that was to long putting pressure on the pulley
Nice to know what the problem was, I had thought to put you on the naughty chair in the corner.:D

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