
New Member
Hi, I am having problems using the software, I am using a serial to usb converter cable, I have checked it is wired correct and tried linking the two relevant pins in the OBD connector to validate that it is sending and receiving ok. Yet no matter how much I try I cannot get it to sync communicate with the EAS unit, all I get is tx fine and rx will come up with 1 to 10 with any thing from zero´s to random numbers with a letter back. I have tried cleaning and checking the socket under the dash, changing baud rates, different com ports, with FIFO buffer and without, altering delay speeds all to no avail..................I am about to pull out what hair I have left.

Any help suggestions gratefully received
My mate had a simialiar problem with a usb/serial converter lead (although he was not using the EAS software tool), turned out to be the software supplied with the lead, unload any supplied program for the lead, plug in the lead let the O/S find it, then let the O/S auto update.

He's O/S was Windows Vista.

Could be worth a try


I forgot to mention, I do not have any faults, its just that when I purchased the P38 it had had new bags fitted, and the normal ride height is a little high, also I have tried every combination of starting the system ie ignition the plug then software, the car knows its plugged in as the dash beeps and shows slow 55kph when the software powers up. Is their any other connectors between the diagnostic plug and the ecu I could check for corrosion ?
I forgot to mention, I do not have any faults, its just that when I purchased the P38 it had had new bags fitted, and the normal ride height is a little high, also I have tried every combination of starting the system ie ignition the plug then software, the car knows its plugged in as the dash beeps and shows slow 55kph when the software powers up. Is their any other connectors between the diagnostic plug and the ecu I could check for corrosion ?

This looks like a software issue, not a Range Rover/connectors issue.

I would sort out/address any USB/Serial cable driver issues first as I would guess that the problems may all lie there. Can you not borrow a laptop with a serial port and try it all again without the convertor lead ?
500, unload the usb/serial cable driver and the EAS program.

Plug in the usb/serial cable and update your O/S then reload the EAS software.

Then try again...
Update, I am now sitting out side in the RR in the dark on wifi, I have gone to the Prolific website and downloaded the latest drivers, still the same problem, also I dont think the EAS software is loaded on the laptop it just runs and loads each time you clic on it, as suggested, does anyone have a link to the software they have used for there usb serial adaper, also I dont know any one with a laptop with a serial port...........its getting bl""dy cold out here
Update, I am now sitting out side in the RR in the dark on wifi, I have gone to the Prolific website and downloaded the latest drivers, still the same problem, also I dont think the EAS software is loaded on the laptop it just runs and loads each time you clic on it, as suggested, does anyone have a link to the software they have used for there usb serial adaper, also I dont know any one with a laptop with a serial port...........its getting bl""dy cold out here

Which O/S are you using?
Try unloading all the usb/serial converter drivers, restart computer, plug in the converter cable when XP see's the cable, update XP using windows update. Do not load any drivers supplied by the converter manufacturer.
Hi tried that but XP update does not show any updates available........getting desperate now

Just in case there is someone local to you who may have another laptop/EAS program and may be willing to help, where do you live?
Long way to come The Algarve Portugal....................

If you want a quick and easy solution, you could always buy a Buddy Box from Storey Wilson in the USA. Cost is about £80 and I'm sure he'll get it to you as quick as you are prepared to pay for (if you see what I mean).

Range Rover EAS Reset Tools

No laptop needed as it's totally self-contained. If there are problems using the Buddy Box, I am sure he would provide 100% ongoing support.

Seems like the easy answer for less than £100 all-in ?
It is cold here for me only 18 degs of a night, has anyone got the software they used with there usb to serial cable and I could give that a try, otherwise it means dragging the PC outside to use a serial port.
It is cold here for me only 18 degs of a night, has anyone got the software they used with there usb to serial cable and I could give that a try, otherwise it means dragging the PC outside to use a serial port.

Software drivers tend to be linked to the hardware/chipset making it unlikely that someone else's s/w driver will work with your lead. Unless of course they have the same lead, but then they would also presumably have the same software as you?

What make/model is your lead?
I am using the latest software you showed the link too. The weird thing is that if you link the relivant pins in the OBD plug, the data that goes out, comes back perfectly. Also does anyone know the OEM st0ck reading range for each height?
The weird thing is that if you link the relivant pins in the OBD plug, the data that goes out, comes back perfectly.

Not too wierd really as a loopback test will only confirm physical connectivity (i.e. the wires are there), not electrical compatibility (i.e. the signal voltage levels are compatible) or whether there are any electrical noise issues.

You should probably lug your desktop with a serial i/f out there to eliminate some of the sources of potential concern or make yourself a (maximum 50') long Rs232 lead and/or park closer to the desktop.......

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