If yu want crap connectors etc. yu get what you pay for with connectors and cable. Not all the quality is visible (thickness of Gold plating....) Dont forget the dreaded VAT has just gone up - and carriage too.
All of our stuff is (has to be) ROHS compliant & tested. I am not getting into a slagging match with you Datatek.
You arent running a business, which does include overheads. I am happy to help peeps (and - yes, make a small margin).
I have never said we are the cheapest - just the best value.

Gold plated contacts mating with the crap OBD connectors fitted to the P38 seems pretty pointless to me. The OBD connectors I will use are the same as used on many bits of commercially available diagnostic kit.
So people have a choice, a Rolls Royce gold plated cable from you tested on a rig, or a cable suitable for non professional use tested on a P38 from me.
I will not be selling on Ebay or anywhere else. I simply aimed at helping LZ members. I care not whether anyone wants to take a cable from me or not.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :)
Errrm what does this mean?

Perhaps you should donate some of your time and skills into producing a CD with the resources you think useful. I neither have the time nor the expertise with Windows to do it.
You have though prompted me to put my airbag replacement guide on the CD.:)

I could produce a CD but as I don't supply cables it would be a pointless exercise. However, and am willing to help anyone else who wants to take up the idea.
Errrm what does this mean?

I could produce a CD but as I don't supply cables it would be a pointless exercise. However, and am willing to help anyone else who wants to take up the idea.

Produce a CD, forward it to me and I will add it to my cable and CD offer:)
Produce a CD, forward it to me and I will add it to my cable and CD offer:)

Well with all due respect don't you think that's pointless, it would make more sense to have a single CD that did / had everything on it.

Also, what goes on the CD, apart from the obvious there are issues regarding copyright for the content, as the majority of it (the copyright) would belong to third parties.

I have no objections to building the step-by-step guide for the EAS but I would need help, starting with the steps and the actions to take. This shouldn't be the work of one person as the more people that contribute the better the result.
Well with all due respect don't you think that's pointless, it would make more sense to have a single CD that did / had everything on it.

Also, what goes on the CD, apart from the obvious there are issues regarding copyright for the content, as the majority of it (the copyright) would belong to third parties.

I have no objections to building the step-by-step guide for the EAS but I would need help, starting with the steps and the actions to take. This shouldn't be the work of one person as the more people that contribute the better the result.

If there is room on the CD it would of course be one CD.
Can't see the point of you making the suggestion if you think there are copyright issues.
Most things produced by commitees are in my experience less than accurate. A good guide could only be done by one person that really knows the system, I am not that person.
Can't see the point of you making the suggestion if you think there are copyright issues.

I don't think there are copyright issues I know there are and therefore I assume you are intending to comply with RSW's re-distribution agreement. I suspect most people don't, but as a Software Engineer I give these things consideration as a matter of course.

In an ideal world everyone that re-distributed RSW's software would include a nominal charge and forward it RSW via his Paypal link as a contribution to his sterling efforts.

The whole idea of the CD is sound in my opinion but to be done 'right' would require the express permission of those individuals or companies whose content was to be included along with any compliance requirements.
I don't think there are copyright issues I know there are and therefore I assume you are intending to comply with RSW's re-distribution agreement. I suspect most people don't, but as a Software Engineer I give these things consideration as a matter of course.

In an ideal world everyone that re-distributed RSW's software would include a nominal charge and forward it RSW via his Paypal link as a contribution to his sterling efforts.

The whole idea of the CD is sound in my opinion but to be done 'right' would require the express permission of those individuals or companies whose content was to be included along with any compliance requirements.
Re-read my original post, you will see that a contribution of at least £1 will be going to Storey Wilson's development fund to which I have personally contributed twice, I suspect a fair proportion of people contribute nothing.
Tell me about "compliance" and which companies content you refer to?
Maybe you could help and the CD and cables might be the answer to my problem. My RR 2001 HSE when started keeps two of the suspension lights on and it stays like this for about 10 mins. Even after a short stop it goes back to the same thing. The ride in not as good as my previous RR. I do hope you can help.

Unbelievable. Data comes on here and makes a truly generous offer of his time and a dozen people come in and blah blah blah to no bloody purpose! Sorry Woogoo we generally agree, you and I, but you talked yourself into a corner here and I have to say that Keith's called your bluff. Make the CD. He'll include it on the one he sends. He'll send a quid to Storey and if you can identify what other copyright issues there are he'll probably be willing to send a quid to them to.

psst. as far as the right man for the job .. maybe you can convince Wammers? i've been gently nudging him for months to write an EAS thread.... :D
Unbelievable. Data comes on here and makes a truly generous offer of his time and a dozen people come in and blah blah blah to no bloody purpose! Sorry Woogoo we generally agree, you and I, but you talked yourself into a corner here and I have to say that Keith's called your bluff. Make the CD. He'll include it on the one he sends. He'll send a quid to Storey and if you can identify what other copyright issues there are he'll probably be willing to send a quid to them to.

psst. as far as the right man for the job .. maybe you can convince Wammers? i've been gently nudging him for months to write an EAS thread.... :D
its not a nudge he needs its a kick up the arse..:D
Maybe you could help and the CD and cables might be the answer to my problem. My RR 2001 HSE when started keeps two of the suspension lights on and it stays like this for about 10 mins. Even after a short stop it goes back to the same thing. The ride in not as good as my previous RR. I do hope you can help.


Sounds like either you have a leak in the system or the compressor is tired or both. PM me if you want ot go on the list for cable and CD and start your own thread for assistance with your problem:)
its not a nudge he needs its a kick up the arse..:D
There are no copyright issues, Storey Wilsons software licence for the EAS suite allows re-distribution as long as it is free, I doubt he has read it or even used the software.
Woogoo is full of ideas, like his proposal to write diagnostic software for the P38 in no time flat, not so good at following through. I reckon he must work directly or indirectly for the government:eek:
Woogoo is full of ideas, like his proposal to write diagnostic software for the P38 in no time flat, not so good at following through. I reckon he must work directly or indirectly for the government:eek:

Yes I did make that offer (not to sure about the time scale though :D ) but you may recall it was dropped in favour of RSW's Rover All Comms project which at the time was reported to be due in a matter of weeks.

Regardless of that I'm not here to get in to a bun fight with anyone, but I am willing to pick up the gauntlet to make an EAS resource CD. So over the next week or so during my spare time I'll have a dig around and see what I can include, but in the meantime if you could email me your own guide, that along with the RSW software is at least a starting point.
Yes I did make that offer (not to sure about the time scale though :D ) but you may recall it was dropped in favour of RSW's Rover All Comms project which at the time was reported to be due in a matter of weeks.

Regardless of that I'm not here to get in to a bun fight with anyone, but I am willing to pick up the gauntlet to make an EAS resource CD. So over the next week or so during my spare time I'll have a dig around and see what I can include, but in the meantime if you could email me your own guide, that along with the RSW software is at least a starting point.
PM me with an email address if you want a copy of my guide. I won't hit you with copyright or compliance issues:rolleyes:
All relevant information can be got either from RSW's site for fault codes etc, or www.rangerovers.net for repair info.
Anything you do must be free of any restriction as to copying or distribution and at zero cost or I will not include it.
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Update, that's a photo of the cable assembly I made 2 years ago. The cable is fully screened, 2 metres long for easy use outside the car. I reckon from experience that it will last a good few years for DIY use. However, to forstall criticism, I will replace any failed cable for the cost of postage with no time limit.

I have ordered a batch of connectors, depending on what I get stung for by customs, I might be able to do the package for £10.

I will update again when the connectors arrive.


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Update, that's a photo of the cable assembly I made 2 years ago. The cable is fully screened, 2 metres long for easy use outside the car. I reckon from experience that it will last a good few years for DIY use. However, to forstall criticism, I will replace any failed cable for the cost of postage with no time limit.

I have ordered a batch of connectors, depending on what I get stung for by customs, I might be able to do the package for £10.

I will update again when the connectors arrive.

Looks good Keith. The extra length is critical many are too short you need to be outside car to set heights. It is pointless setting a height then getting out of car to measure it, as it changes when you get in or out.

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