Sorry for any confusion. Looking at my email records, I did send a response to your last few emails. The emails could have been blocked.

In general, heavy steering could be a couple of issues. The most common problem is that the Body Control Module (BCM) is not performing its job of running the servotronic steering or the servotronic steering solenoid is not functioning. Typically when the BCM is at fault, there are other symptoms, such as the lights not working properly.or key fobs not working correctly and the BCM may also be in transport mode. If the steering is just plain heavy and no other symptoms, then most likely it is the servotronic steering module that needs a new solenoid valve. This would also usually be accompanied by a fault in the BCM about the servotronic valve.

Reflashing the BCM is usually a last ditch effort to recover a BCM that is about to be replaced and therefore saving money. Recoding the BCM is not just a procedure to click on and see what happens. Your vehicle is a special vogue model and most likely has special configurations that are not accounted for in the BCM recoding functions.

The All Comms software records your BCM configuration string in the defaults file before any changes are made. What I would suggest is that we work to get your BCM back to the original configuration using the stored configuration string. Look for the defaults file with the earliest time stamp that references the Body Control Module. There will be a long string of HEX numbers on one line. Then lets work together from there. I provided a function in the software which allows you to take that long configuration string and write it back to the vehicle.
Thanks for getting back to me, albeit on a forum. Can't understand why your emails would be blocked, I received an email with the software location and activation key no problem.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
My steering isn't very heavy, just heavier than I think it should be as turning to park or take sharp corners requires a firm grip on the wheel. As a recode didn't make a difference, I will be replacing the Servotronic valve.
I will plug in the AllComms the first chance I get and look at the logs.
Thanks for your reply, hopefully I can get my car back to normal soon.
Maybe some more coding options in a future update?

Hope you get it sorted mate, I sent an email with the link to this thread which is how you got a reply via the forum, i didn't receive an email reply either so maybe something is getting blocked somewhere ??
Have you checked power steering fluid, not sure exactly how you do that but you must be good at google by now !!
You're a clever man linking the thread, thank you very much.
Power steering fluid is full but not sure of the quality, like you said, I'm not sure how to check that what is in there is doing a proper job although it's been the same since I got it nearly 2 years ago so it's looking like the Servotronic valve although there isn't a code for it.
Fingers crossed I can get it back to normal soon.

Thanks again mate.
Hope so mate, the servotronic valve can give a wheel wobble when getting up to around 70 if accelerating hard up to that speed apparently
holidaychicken: I sent a reply to your email as well asking for more contact information. So, yes my emails are indeed being blocked for some reason.

The log files can be accessed under the tools drop down menu. Select the "View Logs" option. Inside the directory will be several files. Find the earliest file prefixed, "Defaults". The entry you are looking for will look similar to this;
<MKIII_BPM_Debug_Get< 04:29 Thursday, 30 April 2015
I thought you would have, the last reply i had was in 2014 when you very kindly helped me out but that was to a different email address but i cant find anything recently.
I'll try logging into my email online as i am using yahoo via outlook.
@Malafax_Dand I have replied to your email, for some reason i have received the email no problem on my iphone via yahoo's app but nothing has made it through to my pc via outlook. apologies for doubting your support :oops:
@Hamster97 your email client may have blocked out the email somehow, you may need to login online depending on what email you are using
Find the earliest file prefixed, "Defaults". The entry you are looking for will look similar to this;
<MKIII_BPM_Debug_Get< 04:29 Thursday, 30 April 2015
OK, found that.
Just to repeat what HC has said, it seems your emails aren't getting through so my apologies for thinking you had washed your hands of you cable/software once you had my money.
Hopefully the settings can be restored.
Strange things have been happening with the steering. When it's left overnight or for a few hours (over 5), the steering is very light and just as I'd expect a Range Rover to be but as I drive (about 15 mins) the steering becomes heavier.
Haunted car (or jinxed), if it didn't look so good it would have been gone a long time ago.
Thanks lads, as always your help is very much appreciated even though it might not sound like it sometimes, I work nights and can be a bit cranky........ Sorry
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I have never thought you were cranky mate, probably just a touch of green oval fever, lot of it about. :)
When your steering goes heavy, if you stop the RR turn off and back on again does it go light again ?
No, stays heavier.
As I said, it's not heavy like I've lost power steering, just not as light as I think it should be.
This thread is worth a read mate, probably just reconfirming what you already know, if your BCM is playing up then that could be the issue but i would try and get that back to normal, then it seems to be replacing that or the servotronic valve after checking the mechanicals of the power steering pump.
Are you getting any other faults on the allcomms, have you been through each module, read and cleared faults, i normally just start from the top and work down the list?
Ye, cleared all codes, getting a few back for my various engine issues but nothing on the BCM or steering.
Just had a read of that thread and all I can say is right from the checklist is that the battery is tight and the BCM has been reset.
Cheers mate.
It's working as it should, it's just the way the settings are now after the reset, if possible, I'd like it back to how it was before.
Thanks mate.
I found the oldest string, clicked open, recode, copied the string into the box, clicked on write message and nothing. Everything stays greyed out. I left it a few mins but eventually clicked on close.
Result: still not back to its old self.
Might not have any bearing on your steering but I would want to get that back working correctly first,
I am having a lot of email problems at the moment which is a pain but you need to tie up with RSW to resolve that
Cheers mate, the BCM seems to be working fine, it's just the default codings which I can't change I'm not happy with.

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