Of course they work. But it is far better to find and sort the problem than keep clearing fault codes. If your compressor fails through a leak or an air bag blows. Having one is as useful as tits on a mars bar. Find the cause and fix it is best advice you will ever get.
yes they work, got mine from fleabay, chap in the states makes them. They are the best "get out of jail" card I have for my P38. I have had constant problems with the EAS system, from locking out when all 4 orange lights are on to going"fatal" and dropping to the bump stops. I take it to my friendly 4x4 place, they plug it in and guess what, it never shows any faults!! Had it sitting on the bump stops right in front of them and still it wasnt showing any faults. Checked the airbags, no leaks, checked the system all over, no faults found....ever!!

I got so fed up with going backwards and forwards and nothing ever being found so I got a kicker. now when the EAS has a fit I just pull over, ignition off, ignition on, kicker in, beep beep beep, kicker out, fire up the engine and off we go until the next time!!

I think the newer kickers store what ever fault would have been shown on the diagnostics laptop, the one I have just re-sets the system and suspension so I can carry on.
Better to follow Datatek's advice and get yourself a copy of rsw software and a cable from Datatek or mad hat man and sort the problem. All you need is a laptop to run it on and you are there. Good luck with it!
Obviously there is an ongoing problem with your EAS, otherwise why would you need to plug a "Get out of jail card" into the system on a regular basis.
If you can't afford to sort it, you shouldn't have bought a P38 in the first place.

All I read are posts from people who have bought a P38/Rangerover/Disco etc. that expect the repair cost to be the same as a Ford Escort, convert it to LPG because it's cheaper to run, buy a diesel because it's also cheaper to run then moan about costs of parts etc.

If you can't be bothered to do a bit of research first, don't expect to run one "On the cheap". There are plenty of posts from owners who have found out the hard way and put the cars up for sale because they can't afford the running/maintenance costs.
The hardcore members realise the shortcomings and accept the costs involved in keeping them on the road.
yes they work, got mine from fleabay, chap in the states makes them. They are the best "get out of jail" card I have for my P38. I have had constant problems with the EAS system, from locking out when all 4 orange lights are on to going"fatal" and dropping to the bump stops. I take it to my friendly 4x4 place, they plug it in and guess what, it never shows any faults!! Had it sitting on the bump stops right in front of them and still it wasnt showing any faults. Checked the airbags, no leaks, checked the system all over, no faults found....ever!!

I got so fed up with going backwards and forwards and nothing ever being found so I got a kicker. now when the EAS has a fit I just pull over, ignition off, ignition on, kicker in, beep beep beep, kicker out, fire up the engine and off we go until the next time!!

I think the newer kickers store what ever fault would have been shown on the diagnostics laptop, the one I have just re-sets the system and suspension so I can carry on.
What sort of kit is your "friendly 4 X 4" place useing to re-set the EAS? Do they show you the read out? Sounds to me like they are taking you for a ride. They do not go down for no reason.
Irish Rover, thanks for your "advise"! I have had my P:38 for 6 years, its great, the EAS has played up all tyhe time I have had it but no-one, main dealers included has been able to resolve any issues with the EAS system when it plays up!!

Where did I say I cant afford??? Its a great car that has its faults, if you know that before you buy it then all well and good, I knew what I was getting into and am not complaining. Once again, its a great car.

The op asked a question, do the kickers work, answer, yes they do!! Its not rocket science!:D:D
Irish Rover, thanks for your "advise"! I have had my P:38 for 6 years, its great, the EAS has played up all tyhe time I have had it but no-one, main dealers included has been able to resolve any issues with the EAS system when it plays up!!

Where did I say I cant afford??? Its a great car that has its faults, if you know that before you buy it then all well and good, I knew what I was getting into and am not complaining. Once again, its a great car.

The op asked a question, do the kickers work, answer, yes they do!! Its not rocket science!:D:D

The EAS system contrary to common belief is very reliable provided it is not ignored or serviced. Apart from air springs and compressor seal replacement, when needed, the system on mine has performed faultlessly for over 10 years without touching the valve block or height sensors.
I can see no reason why any system cannot be sorted, the mention of "Main Dealers" involvement in any repairs does not instill any confidence in their abilities as "Gods"..far from it, as many on here will testify.
The reference to people who "Can't afford" the costs of running and repairs was in no way pointed at you specifically, but in view of the number of posts on here where people are looking for "Cheap" solutions to their problems after buying a sophisticated motor that needs the "sophisticated" costs of keeping it running. Bit like buying a Bentley and expecting repair costs to be the same as a Mini.
I think they work, could never get mine to work that's why iam buying eas cd and cable of datatek, so that I can finally find out what's wrong with my eas when I plug it into my computer,and fix the problem, then maybe my eas kicker lite will work too,cheers pat
If you can't afford to sort it, you shouldn't have bought a P38 in the first place.

All I read are posts from people who have bought a P38/Rangerover/Disco etc. that expect the repair cost to be the same as a Ford Escort, convert it to LPG because it's cheaper to run, buy a diesel because it's also cheaper to run then moan about costs of parts etc.

If you can't be bothered to do a bit of research first, don't expect to run one "On the cheap". There are plenty of posts from owners who have found out the hard way and put the cars up for sale because they can't afford the running/maintenance costs.
The hardcore members realise the shortcomings and accept the costs involved in keeping them on the road.

I think thats a bit unfair actually because not all of us are mechanics or electricians and in general the hardcore members on here are or have the same level of knowledge/ability as one. You and they know the P38 inside out and have owned them for years wheras some new owners like me enter onto a steep learning curve with these cars. I'm not moaning about costs to repair and yes I have converted to lpg because its cheaper, my eyes were wide open when i bought my car yet it still manages to bite me every single week with another new fault.

I came on this forum before i bought my car so I knew there were reliability problems and expected repairs but not all people would do that and buy Range Rovers based on the fact that it is at the very top end of premium car brands and i think the average person is right to expect more from a Range Rover in terms of reliability than it actually delivers.

Whether you choose to immerse yourself in your car and accept that is an individual choice. After all whether its a Range Rover or a Fiat 500 its still a lump of metal to some people who expect it to do what it says on the tin.

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