It's running a bit rubbish:(.
If left idling it nearly stalls then catches itself, this keeps repeating every 20/30secs. When I revved it trying to get to 2000 rpm to get the air out of the cooling system and the revs shot up briefly, like a sticky cable. Put the fans on high and the engine conks.
Bloody hell.....
It's running a bit rubbish:(.
If left idling it nearly stalls then catches itself, this keeps repeating every 20/30secs. When I revved it trying to get to 2000 rpm to get the air out of the cooling system and the revs shot up briefly, like a sticky cable. Put the fans on high and the engine conks.
Bloody hell.....
Patience game mate, it will get there. Do not rush too much at once. Sometimes going back on what you have done on here may help as well. Sometimes its the smallest thing that can cause the biggest problems ;)
Keep up the good work, i am enjoying this thread :)
It's running a bit rubbish:(.
If left idling it nearly stalls then catches itself, this keeps repeating every 20/30secs. When I revved it trying to get to 2000 rpm to get the air out of the cooling system and the revs shot up briefly, like a sticky cable. Put the fans on high and the engine conks.
Bloody hell.....

Little bit more to work out then before MOT man gets a look then.
Diesel guys here will help:).

Little bit more to work out then before MOT man gets a look then.
Diesel guys here will help:).

It's a bit annoying, she was running about the same with 4 yr old diesel, the wrong fuel filter, crusty leak off and map pipes...
Ungrateful that's what she is:mad::D.
Don't know where to start really but I guess plugging the nano in is a good place to starto_O.
I'll have a quick play now, haven't got long as off out tonight and I need to tart meself up abit:cool:
It's a bit annoying, she was running about the same with 4 yr old diesel, the wrong fuel filter, crusty leak off and map pipes...
Ungrateful that's what she is:mad::D.
Don't know where to start really but I guess plugging the nano in is a good place to starto_O.
I'll have a quick play now, haven't got long as off out tonight and I need to tart meself up abit:cool:

Nano is a good place to start with the modulation crap and have you touched the injector pump adjustments:confused:
Dont listen to me I put petrol in and use it..... fast:eek::D.

What colour lipstick tonight then:D:D:D.

It's a bit annoying, she was running about the same with 4 yr old diesel, the wrong fuel filter, crusty leak off and map pipes...
Ungrateful that's what she is:mad::D.
Don't know where to start really but I guess plugging the nano in is a good place to starto_O.
I'll have a quick play now, haven't got long as off out tonight and I need to tart meself up abit:cool:
Plug the Nanocom in, check for faults and look at the modulation in live data.
Nano is a good place to start with the modulation crap and have you touched the injector pump adjustments:confused:
Dont listen to me I put petrol in and use it..... fast:eek::D.

What colour lipstick tonight then:D:D:D.

I've stopped wearing lippy, turns the froth on me Guinness .
Not touched nuffin engine wise just new oil and filter,leak offs, map tube, tank pump test, new fuel filter and air filter, new battery, checked glows, new waterpump and belts, uprated reg in the alternator.
I thought it was better initially but starts to play up once it's been running a few minutes but I'm unsure of that. I thought the occasional rev fluctuations were just abit of air and it would sort itself out. Fuel was present in the clear line when I got it a couple of months back but the filter was empty and it ran pretty much like it does now maybe abit worse. Fuel filter was incorrect and along with the rotted leak offs and map tube, thought that that was the issue but nah..
Didn't get time to plug the nano in just replaced the pit boards, swept the floor and drove it back in. Will nano the baster tomorrow.
I've done some googling though, searching for similar issues and read through a looong thread from kapilow? Or similar from 2018 I think, wammers gave lots of advice but it never reached a conclusion which is annoying but I did see lots of stuff about crank position sensor readings and injector 4 and percentages/ modulation and got depressed:rolleyes:
Don't know how to 'read' a nanocom either so this should be interesting:D
Thanks data, you posted whilst I was typing. Live data means engine running yes? Sorry...:oops::oops::oops::D
Yes, engine running. you can see modulation, injector #4 and crank sensor info, post the numbers you get. As your engine has a MAF, that is worth having a look at, try unplugging it and see if it makes a difference.
When testing the fuel flow, did you put the relay back after:oops: and is there air in the clear pipe from the filter when running , cause that's a bad in tank pump :eek: ;)
Relay back in yes, no bubbles in the clear line, unplugged MAF no difference. Just about to go out with the nano when I've finished this cuppa tea.
Bear with.......:D
Can't seem to upload videos I took of the nano readings but have put up some screenshots.I decided to remove the fuel filter and check how much was in it, about 2/3 full, replaced and started her up, Lumpy running still and nano plugged in. Interestingly after about an hour of the engine idling maybe more, it's been idling for around 21/2 hrs, the idle noticeably smoothed out and I heard a whirr noise from under the bonnet for 2 or 3 seconds. It does run better now for sure but it's not right still.
Hopefully I've captured the readings required but shout out if I haven't.
I've also printed off some nanocom stuff which from reading that tells me something is outside of ideal. Brain is a bit fried now but hopefully the pics tell you guys what's wrong.:)
The crank rpm and needle rpm kept fluctuating, tried to capture that.
Can't put anymore pics up on this post so more to follow after this:D


The pic which showed the main (I suspect) problem hasn't come out:rolleyes:
Took me fookin ages to find it on the nano too! I'll go back out and do it again, got it on video though. Maybe I can screen shot off the vid.
Bear with.......:D

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