Just spoken to my husband who said they told him the engine was running but the auto dial in the middle would move but nothing would

So they got the engine running (which was the original fault) and now suddenly there's a problem with the transmission, which there wasn't to start with.
To me it sounds too fishy, and it really needs to go to somewhere that actually knows how a modern vehicle works, rather than trying to fleece vehicle owners.
And have we confirmed the battery is good?

Nope. We're talking about a main stealer = never going to happen IME :rolleyes:

( FTAOD, I agree 100% it should be done though :) )

To me it sounds too fishy, and it really needs to go to somewhere that actually knows how a modern vehicle works, rather than trying to fleece vehicle owners.

Nailed it. @Scotmum - can't you pay for "what they have done" (*) by CC, then get your car to an expert indy, and then raise a dispute with the CC company ?

(* = such as it is :confused: )
it's strange that if the OP had asked on here the first thing we would have said was how good is the battery. LR garage start with how about a new transmission :confused:
When my Disco 2 wouldn't rev at all my local indi man nipped round with his testbook and said faulty TPS, after 20 minutes of running the engine testing things it fixed itself after the battery had sufficiently charged up.
Ah, in the good old days you would trace the smoke.....and/or burning smell. I thought the whole point with modern cars is that the diagnostics would spot anything and everything. Anyway, lets see what info surfaces on this one - exactly what did the techs tell JLR...? "It won't start" "OK, try changing the transmission and see if that fixes it"...

Lots of people believe the diag computer will tell you whats wrong, all it can actually tell is what it can see.
it's strange that if the OP had asked on here the first thing we would have said was how good is the battery. LR garage start with how about a new transmission :confused:
When my Disco 2 wouldn't rev at all my local indi man nipped round with his testbook and said faulty TPS, after 20 minutes of running the engine testing things it fixed itself after the battery had sufficiently charged up.

+1 - Check Powers and Grounds EVERY single time.. Comes back to getting someone who knows what they are doing involved..

I reckon a lot of modern sh*tbox tronic "cars" get scrapped because the "garage" CBA to do the job properly.. :rolleyes: - How green :mad:
Techs or fitters aren't mechanics or engineers, they don't know how to diagnose a problem, just how to use testbook etc

You would not believe the lack of training/courses/investment that companies put into their mechs on the diag side of things.

I will give you an example this is not where I work honest!
3 laptops for 20 techs, 1 lappy dies not replaced, 2nd lappy cracks screen not replaced but plugged into a normal monitor to resume normal service on a trolley, 3rd lappy breaks screen, this is handy as 2nd lappy dies so now there is 1 laptop on a trolley for 20 techs, this 1 laptop runs two diag programmes so if someone else is using it you cant, so whereas before 1 man could diag 2 motors at the same time he can now only do 1, all the time the diag programmes take turns to break down/run out of licence/plug in bluetooth bit to break or get lost, the amount of time lost is unreal.
Sadly this fictional scenario applies to many non main dealer set ups, even sadder is the managers cannot see the problem mainly as they have never done the job.

Main dealer will send your average tech on 3 maybe 5 courses annually, the fictional tech above has been on 3 courses in 8 years!
Also main dealer manufacturer courses are much more in depth then the courses for non main dealers.
So, it now starts.
Any explanation as to how that suddenly happened?
It drove before fine, now it won't. Any leaks or other reasons for loss of drive?
Surely on a modern LZ gear selection is down to the equivalent of the XYZ switch on a D2 auto?
So it sounds to me like the fault is between the selector thingy in the cab and the gearbox. not the flipping box itself.
Could be switch(s), or connectors, or cables. Could be some sort of pooter that turns requests from the driver and the engine into something the box should do.
But I seriously do not believe that a car that wouldn't start suddenly at the same time turns into a car whose gearbox is fubar.
Do NOT believe in coincidence.
Best of luck with it all.
Hello Scotmum, i have just read all these posts and i do feel for you.
If you haven't already done so I would suggest you contact the dealer principal in both of the dealers.
Glad i am not in your shoes and all of us on here wish you well in your problem.

Bit of information to some of the posters.
Taggarts Landrover are a long established LR and Jaguar dealer in the West of Scotland and have been for many years.
Pentland Landrover are also a long established dealer in the East of Scotland..
Both companies have many years of landrover experience.
Just to clarify that Scotmum is not dealing with local cowboys.
Although who knows nowadays.
Thank you.
Hello Scotmum, i have just read all these posts and i do feel for you.
If you haven't already done so I would suggest you contact the dealer principal in both of the dealers.
Glad i am not in your shoes and all of us on here wish you well in your problem.

Bit of information to some of the posters.
Taggarts Landrover are a long established LR and Jaguar dealer in the West of Scotland and have been for many years.
Pentland Landrover are also a long established dealer in the East of Scotland..
Both companies have many years of landrover experience.
Just to clarify that Scotmum is not dealing with local cowboys.
Although who knows nowadays.
Thank you.
So LR have offered 40% goodwill claim but this still requires almost £4500 from me. For what is clearly a defective transmission- if that’s the route they are going down to say it needs replacing. Coincidentally (perhaps) this was the first estimate we got from the garage over the phone. When they put in the goodwill claim it inflated to £7.5k…..I am rather alarmed that they are not taking full responsibility for a catastrophic failure of the transmission, i mean the car is not fit for purpose and a lack of warranty does not mean I have no consumer rights. Who expects to spend this much on a car that doesnt last more than 40k miles. Also questioning if all the faults have really been checked on the car before jumping to conclusion of full replacement and the cost changing from £4.5k to £7.5k (interesting JLR are contributing that exact amount of increase)….
Thanks. Interestingly the quote LR are giving is not for a new transmission nor does it come with any guarantee!!

WHAT !!?!?!?!? Good to know that JLR are still treating their customers the same way they did us several years ago.. NOT.:confused: o_O :mad::mad::mad: :rolleyes:

I'd cut my losses and step out of this 'dealer scam' pronto,
life is too short.

+1 - absolutely as soon as humanly possible.. Regarding the FFRR I have mentioned previously, it cost us a significant sum to get away from the POS, but, frankly it was money well spent - though it still smarts more than a bit :eek:.

And some folk wonder why I want an older car than the 25 year old one I have now...
WHAT !!?!?!?!? Good to know that JLR are still treating their customers the same way they did us several years ago.. NOT.:confused: o_O :mad::mad::mad: :rolleyes:

+1 - absolutely as soon as humanly possible.. Regarding the FFRR I have mentioned previously, it cost us a significant sum to get away from the POS, but, frankly it was money well spent - though it still smarts more than a bit :eek:.

And some folk wonder why I want an older car than the 25 year old one I have now...
Gets better. Whilst JLR made their decision to contribute their "generous" 40% goodwill gesture (which would leave me out of pocket of £4500 for their mechanical fault), I was told they had been looking at my social media (I had made a few comments about how disappointed I was in my car) and to pause it until they made their decision. Kinda creepy to know they have been monitoring me.
Thanks. Interestingly the quote LR are giving is not for a new transmission nor does it come with any guarantee!!

That is not on. end of:( How do they call a second hand 7.5k gearbox and no warranty "goodwill"o_O when your original price was lesso_O
If that is the case I would be inclined to take your chances with an Indy and cut your losses as @myfirstl322
I still cant get my head around a no start issue turning into needing a gearboxo_O.
You really need all the diagnostic test

I was told they had been looking at my social media (I had made a few comments about how disappointed I was in my car) and to pause it until they made their decision. Kinda creepy to know they have been monitoring me.

Maybe they should relies that you are asking others for their experience/advice, maybe they should learn that in general its not good, so maybe they should take note;). I dont actually think you have slagged them off (yet).
But certainly a bit underhand of them if you ask me.


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