Shot blaster and sprayer discovered 500m from my house. That opens up a few options. Wheels dropped in yesterday. Might put the roof in as well now.
Brethren, when using cork gaskets do you add gasket sealer or is it no no?
I don't use a gasket sealer, but depending on the usage will coat liberally with hylomar blue e.g. the fuel sender on the MGA which some genius of an engineer thought would be perfectly placed halfway down the side of the tank rather than in the top!
Jesus this durdy doosel is kicking my arse. Removed the manifolds this arvo, no seized bolts or nuts. Hardly expected it either as the engine is caked in congealed oil. Anyhoo, I notice the manifold gasket has a bit missing. The plan wasn’t to twiddle with the injun as it would be rebuild at a later date. Rocker, oil filler, sump and now the exhaust gaskets to replace and then to observe if it still leaks like a snitch. Durdy durdy doosels.


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