
New Member
I am still no further forward with sorting out my 109. I have just not had the time :mad: My wife's rover 414 engine froze solid just after passing it's mot! So I fitted a new engine and all is well there but now I have not got the enthusiasm to tackle the 109 engine swap etc.

I have thinking of selling/swapping me Hilux for another 109 but running and use the other for spares..

How much do you reckon I would have pay for a road legal 109 station wagon in reasonable nick???
About a grand.

Tek the engine out of the hilux, get a conversion kit and stick it in a 109.

I've got a donnor defender 90 for the engine so there is no problems there, just can't be arsed taking it out and fitting it and doing the 414. One engine a year is enough for me.

I reckon I'll sell the Hilux and look for another 109 to keep me going :D

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