I suggest you put up a poll and whatever the majority decide I'll ignore it :D

Everyone gets grief if the dont do an intro, dunt matter what they drive
This is a bunch of cock. Shut up whining like a bunch of gaylanderers. It is what it is end of.
Love how them tratter lot love to abuse us but love ter be in our section more than their own.... Me thinks them lot secretly love us and just abuse us to try n hide it, bit like when ya were a kid and was nasty to that girl ya fancied in school cos ya thought it woz cool to be nasty...or woz that just me?

I married that girl and had 3 kids lmao
Ladies and gentlemen,

Of late we have had some very curt and sometimes down right rude responses to Noobs who have not introduced themselves.
It's not needed as usually theses are people at the end of their tether looking for help, and a cr+ppy response from one of us will just upset them even more.
Could I ask that we just give them a gentle reminder to introduce themselves. We need new people to join us to keep this place the vibrant interesting place it is.
And if it really upsets you, then don't answer them until someone else has sorted it out.
Thankyou for reading this, I hope this will be an end to it.
Totally agree,why do people have to pass on all their details - is anyone really interested anyway ? As Mike says they end up here at the end of their tether and for the most part ask polite questions about their sick cars.Why not give a decent answer and welcome them to a forum with a wealth of knowledge and experience.Not shout back with a load of cocky abuse and crap.I cant be bothered to read through the 5 odd pages that followed Mikes original post,but it did make me think it was worth a supporting response.
Whats so funny ? Its been a bloody capable, useful,reliable tool for the last 7 years. We also have a DII Td5 and a 1960 SII 88.
After giving noobs a roasting for not introducing themselves, it might be nice if the hardcore introduce yourselfers went in there and welcomed them when they do ...some newbies do it straight away and still get stick when they come back to their question - just what I've noticed anyway.
Thanks for the support. Think you made the-wolf crap his pants. Best laugh I've had all day, :)
Dont have any pants on. And nothing was funny, twas a grin not a laugh. I was just proving a point is all :p
Ladies and gentlemen,

Of late we have had some very curt and sometimes down right rude responses to Noobs who have not introduced themselves.
It's not needed as usually theses are people at the end of their tether looking for help, and a cr+ppy response from one of us will just upset them even more.
Could I ask that we just give them a gentle reminder to introduce themselves. We need new people to join us to keep this place the vibrant interesting place it is.
And if it really upsets you, then don't answer them until someone else has sorted it out.
Thankyou for reading this, I hope this will be an end to it.

Lesson in forum etiquette: learn to start the thread in the appropriate section - Anything Goes

Who goes into introduction section anyway

Mods please move.

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