We can all supply an online point & laugh service. No need to get our hands dirty either.

I'm missing the midlands banter.

I've got midlands banter all b*stard night on a production line, soon wears thin me old mate ;) back to work at 10pm i really need to get my head down :eek:
We can all supply an online point & laugh service. No need to get our hands dirty either.

I'm missing the midlands banter.

I thought maybe I would until I brought a woman back from the Midlands to live in proper England instead of the worlds biggest haulage yard :D

Shes not northern, my term for it is 'midlantic'

I'm in the Midlands @19_Hue_95 whereabouts are you? I can offer moral support and an extra pair of hands if you're ever stuck and possibly a point and laugh service to lift your spirits :D

Ah cheers mate, I might have to take you up on that if things get desperate! I actually live near Evesham, but my folks are Shropshire based. 'Cotswold People' get a bit funny when you start doing manual work so I normally work at my parents - there is a lot more room and tools!

We can all supply an online point & laugh service. No need to get our hands dirty either.
I'm missing the midlands banter.

I charge a flat rate fee for being laughed at you know ;)
Sounds great! I have . had a few 'project' cars over the years and decided to spend the money up front this time - good nick ex RAF defender. Love it! However I still have a list of jobs to do for sure! Its a great learning experience and a lot of fun. I would very seriously however add to the list some good security and many layers of it. Sad though it is you have to be so careful these days. Good pedal lock as a bare minimum. I have deadlocks as well as the alarm (which is fairly useless) and a few other secret bits!

Good luck!

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