hey mudflap...do you find you hit your side steps at all?

Where was this? Im looking for somewhere like that to take mine?

Has yours got air suspension? cause it doesnt look like you have it in the off road setting looks like its riding quite low?

Im looking for some roof rails like yours in the you tube video if any one wants to sell me any?

When I went the first time in Nov it did catch the side steps a little. I went again last week and bent them a lot. :D I even had the suspension at the highest this time and it still grounded. Maybe I was getting a little more adventurous. I have large gaps at the rear of them now where the end caps don't line up. What's the point of a 4x4 if you don't have fun in it :)

The place in the video is between Husbands Bosworth and Sibbertoft. Just on the border of Leicestershire and Northamptinshire.

Here is a link for google maps Google Maps

This site lists the dates for the "Pay and Play Sundays"
Off roading and off road 4x4 events from ogx
Finally took mine out playing in the mud yesterday and was amazed at how well it coped. Was out with acouple of other LZers round Salisbury area including the Plain.

Considering I have only got standard road tyres (well worn at that) I never got stuck once, well only for a couple of mins and I got myself out. We used some badly rutted tracks, mud, water the lot. I was really impressed although very nervous about damaging it. Just kept the suspension on wading setting and the car came home in one piece.

Really pleased with myself considering I was out with 3 modified Discos, a 90 and a 109SW.

Will post some pics soon hopefully.
Of course I do take it off road, what would be the point in owning a 4x4 and not going off road, I admit I don't go PROPER off roading as its totally standard even down to road tyres, but it still copes with fairly deep rutted mud and rocks even without the diff locks.

To have a 4x4 and not go even a bit off road is like having a ferrari and driving around town all weekend at 20mph going "Oooh look at me".
so - you had a good time then, Dorset?

Yes great fun, I think it would have been betterer if I wasn't worried about damaging the car though. All the others keep thier good cars at home and have green laney play things.

What a surprise, have started lookin on egay for a cheapy disco or similar that I can f**k up off road.

Just got to make it pitchfork proof and we'll be ok :eek: :eek:
I'm always taking mine off road. I'm running BFGoodrich A/T's on my '96 DT.
I live on a farm, take it down green lanes, Salisbury Plains now again, fords and floods, Wales at xmas (tho was cut short by wheel bearing issues!), and this Sunday, March 2nd, I'm taking it up to a playday at Childrey Quarry near Wantage (see www.tv4x4.co.uk).

I used to avoid the scratchey bits when I first got it, but now dont mind the odd bit. I'll have to get some pics up soon!
reet folks - wheres the piccies then - we like piccies - we duz.

an wots this about pitchforks?

Right, Boomer has the piccies, he reckons there are about 500, so need to pick a few good ones out. He may post some first, then going to burn a disc with them all for me :) :) .

As for the pitchfork.......................................

well it's like this, we started from the rocks on 303, followed a nice grassy track for about 3/4 mile. Boomer stopped to check map near to large house / farm thingy. Woman in driveway looking bit funny. I follow on down, nice and slow, at the back, followed by Simon in his 109. Mad bint picks up pitchfork starts coming at me, so I gave it some right foot and got out the way. Simon behind me didn't and got the pitch fork in the rear quarter :mad: :eek: :mad: . Didn't feel like hangin around to see what came next, but we couldn't see any damage when we stopped.

Should be marked on all landranger maps................Pitchfork Hazzard
well it's like this, we started from the rocks on 303, followed a nice grassy track for about 3/4 mile. Boomer stopped to check map near to large house / farm thingy. Woman in driveway looking bit funny. I follow on down, nice and slow, at the back, followed by Simon in his 109. Mad bint picks up pitchfork starts coming at me, so I gave it some right foot and got out the way. Simon behind me didn't and got the pitch fork in the rear quarter :mad: :eek: :mad: . Didn't feel like hangin around to see what came next, but we couldn't see any damage when we stopped.
F**king Pitchfork!Thats a bit much!I wouldnt have minded a bit of verbal or looks that kill or even some theatrical tutting but coming at ya.....its not on and well done for not getting out and clobbering the old biddy!:mad:
As Promised, a few pics...

DSC00260 (Small).JPG

DSC00265 (Small).JPG

PICT1157 (Small).JPG

DSC00066 (Small).JPG

Some mates must have some in action, I'll ask around!
Here tis then boys an gurls, the first couple of pics of the RR doin what its supposed to be doing.
24.02.08 326c.JPG

24.02.08 442c.JPG

24.02.08 449c.JPG

Had a great time doing this and will post some more pics when I have them. :) :)

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