I have no objections, however it is unlikely to be maintained, so once on there they will be there for ever - even if the situation changes.

Not sure of a better system though - maybe only put on the map if no lzir's within, say 20 miles? I like the idea of a minimum no of posts before recomending tho. On the same note, maybe we aught to have a minimum no of posts to be put on lzir too?
yeah, these bits are the important processes we need to come up with. what makes them good enough to get on, what gets them kicked off.. how do we show who recommended, etc
Took me ages to work out how to view it on me phone. Looks OK to me.

I guess we can add in the dialog box who recommended along with garage contact details.

Additions and removals on an ad hoc basis via 4 way group chat until we find out what works?

The normal 'we int sponsible fer nuffink' will have to apply anyway.
Took me ages to work out how to view it on me phone. Looks OK to me.

I guess we can add in the dialog box who recommended along with garage contact details.

Additions and removals on an ad hoc basis via 4 way group chat until we find out what works?

The normal 'we int sponsible fer nuffink' will have to apply anyway.
go for it. create a sticky thread for peeps to post the garage to.. like the lzir one and we'll see how it plays out :)
This could win the oldest thread resurection of the week competion for ressurecting the oldest thread this week.
Just a couple of days off 8 years... :vb-drinky:
Since I signed up, I hadn't been able to find the time to participate, but now I intend to revive some old threads

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