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I have another conundrum, my hevac has only one fault,
54 distribution door motor stall position. (Current).
yet it appears to work just fine, if i press each button in turn, it lights up, you hear the motor operate and air comes from the correct aperture.
Any ideas? I'm wondering if it's related to the drivers side blend motor sticking in the hot position but no error logged. Could the nanocom have it wrong? Saying distribution door when it means blend motor?
I've got a problem with one of my blend motors at the moment and nanocom throws up some funny messages. If I try to force the motor the other one works. To cut a long story short have found out that the potentiometer in the blend motor has gone(frequent fault on these). I have take side trim off to access wires to motor By cutting the power and return wires I have spliced onto them so trim slots back on and I have now 2 wires tucked down side of seat . I use a 9v battery to power the motor up and down by reversing wires to battery. This will do for now to get me through as not in a fit state to swap the motor over.
I have another conundrum, my hevac has only one fault,
54 distribution door motor stall position. (Current).
yet it appears to work just fine, if i press each button in turn, it lights up, you hear the motor operate and air comes from the correct aperture.
Any ideas? I'm wondering if it's related to the drivers side blend motor sticking in the hot position but no error logged. Could the nanocom have it wrong? Saying distribution door when it means blend motor?

Could be. Nanocom has problems with right and left on Hevac. Was reported to BBS very early on but they seem to have done nothing about it.
I've got a problem with one of my blend motors at the moment and nanocom throws up some funny messages. If I try to force the motor the other one works. To cut a long story short have found out that the potentiometer in the blend motor has gone(frequent fault on these). I have take side trim off to access wires to motor By cutting the power and return wires I have spliced onto them so trim slots back on and I have now 2 wires tucked down side of seat . I use a 9v battery to power the motor up and down by reversing wires to battery. This will do for now to get me through as not in a fit state to swap the motor over.
I replaced the pot in my motor but had to set the pot to 90 degrees which means the little arrows to line up the gears don't line up. The actual motor turns the gears fine, no missing teeth etc and the pot gives a nice smooth reading from 0-10.7K ohms and operates the flap fully in both directions
Could be. Nanocom has problems with right and left on Hevac. Was reported to BBS very early on but they seem to have done nothing about it.
cheers thats helpful. however i checked fault codes with the drivers blend motor unplugged and there was an additional fault code for the right blend motor, the error 54 was still present, so thats ruled out nanocom errors
cheers thats helpful. however i checked fault codes with the drivers blend motor unplugged and there was an additional fault code for the right blend motor, the error 54 was still present, so thats ruled out nanocom errors

Ok but i do know that early on if you tried to alter temp controls selecting left changed right and selecting right changed left. No problem if you know about it i suppose.
Ok but i do know that early on if you tried to alter temp controls selecting left changed right and selecting right changed left. No problem if you know about it i suppose.
thats mad, but like you say - OK if you know. with the engine off, you can hear which one is working :)
Ok but i do know that early on if you tried to alter temp controls selecting left changed right and selecting right changed left. No problem if you know about it i suppose.
we had that wammers running opposite sides, was quite head scratching. Remember you saying before had been reported, believe my mate who owns the nanocom reported it as well but nothing came back reply wise
we had that wammers running opposite sides, was quite head scratching. Remember you saying before had been reported, believe my mate who owns the nanocom reported it as well but nothing came back reply wise

I reported it years ago possibly before Nanocom went on sale to the general public but they don't appear to have changed anything. As said if you know about it it doesn't matter. That is why i always say if you get one learn how to use it before diving deep into anything.

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