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Yudansha, if you think your original company is charging an 'unfair price' you can report them. I had a similar issue with First Direct two years ago, their quote went from being the lowest by over £100 for 5 yrs running to the highest by over £150! They blamed it on the raise in premiums across the industry. So I checked with the AA premiums trackerBritish Insurance Premium Index | AA and premiums had raised by 17% the year before but actually dropped by 3% in the year concerned, so no real excuse for the raise.
I spoke with the FSA Ombudsman's office and they took it from there. Needless to say I will not touch First direct with a barge pole now.
my insurance appears to have dramtically dropped this year. gone from £994 to £750 all i changed was my job title and fact i was married result.

my insurance appears to have dramtically dropped this year. gone from £994 to £750 all i changed was my job title and fact i was married result.


And there we have another interesting point, if you are married you get a cheaper policy! WHY?? Does this mean that now I am divorced I have to pay more??

I'll be ****ed off in November if this happens!

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