All looks and sounds right to me Ian. As said previously, have you tried to calc the amount the axle moves backwards as the radius arm drops? Might not be a lot, I'm not sure. You would have to balance this with the caster correction, to get the shock centred. OR is it a case of the pivot point to rear bush staying fixed and the front bush 'being adjusted' in relation axke height which keeps the axle position, or more importantly the damper position, constant.
Is it this line of thinking that denotes how a 3 link system works? Using only rear bushes for radius arm and top link takes over job of front bush effectively, but then working in a pantograph kind of arrangement. Now there's a nice project for you
Otherwise, regards the spring seat offer, very kind, thankyou
I think the lean to the right is partly due to the transmission offset to right, the drive on the propshafts rotates the chassis downwards at the right under load, the weight of the driver etc etc.
I would err on the side of caution and make spacers at 17mm.
However, here's the thing:
If you lift the spring seat away from the axle as you would with an eBay item, the weight of the vehicle is then mounted on the axle bracket. If you look carefully, the spring seat actually sits on the axle case on the rear axle. I have lifted on blocks years ago and the block bent the axle bracket.
As such, what I'd be looking for is either a ring to fit under the spring seat, or a ring to sit under the spring.
The latter would be handy as it would fit front and rear, but spring location might be a struggle.
Rear axle you could fit a ring under the seat and sit the lot direct on the axle tube as factory, the front however is supported by the axle bracket so a conventional block would be suitable. I personally think this would be better as I think spring location would be difficult otherwise as above.
So yeah. As I say, thankyou for offering. I'm not actually expecting you to make something for me, but if you are looking into it then we can either pool ideas/resources or simply run another set off and I'll exchange some money with you for them
Or I'll just do it myself, or leave it be