AFAIK 140 is set so cos at that pressure the boiling point of coolant is raised above 120*C as to not boil while the gauge is still at the middle as it stays there up to 120... i'm not gonna contradict you on this cos i didnt measure the pressure myself but 15psi(103.4KPa) for a cooling system seems low to me cos in some places can be below the ambient pressure and the normal boiling point of water(100*C) is reached at 14.7psi.... so with cold stationary engine the pessure in the system can be the same with the ambient pressure and that can't stay there when the coolant gets hot as PV/T should stay constant so if the temp rises the pressure should rise too as the volume of the system is constant...though if you measured a hot engine's coolant pressure with a gauge(provided it has a well working and tightened cap) and you got 15psi i will not argue with that cos i'm not 100% convinced like in the other "hot" subject

.... i have an old cap which i replaced cos it was suspect so i might fit a gauge to it and measure the air pressure in tank just cos you made me curious cos for me a system which has 15psi can hardly be called "pressurised"