@timbr00 I had this a few month's ago and I'll share what i found out from cooalant leaks on this engine. Have a read and PM me if you want to talk though it. A few of the guys helped me earlier on my Swivel Joints and just paying it forward
While mine is a Disco 300tdi its very simialr. Get some UV leak dye! Your save hours and ton's of money!
When bleeding top up with engine running and burp the pipes, i had problems with this as first. There are some devices on amazon for coolant connectors they look like they could help. I just poured into the thermostat with the bolt out and let the engine run.
If your still over heating themostat out and flush it though with heater matrix bypassed read below and your see what i did. Back flush that seperatly.
Reading through the thread i see no mention of Checking the sensor as that feeds the temp guauge? I'm not aware but could this be faling? At 3 quid its worth replacing. Linked it below:
See you mention you replaced the alternator or moved it?
Mine had a leak from a pipe that damaged the alternator, replaced all the pipes just to be on the safe side bar one!. I had someone replace my alternator then it still leaked. Garage suspected the P Gasket. New water pump etc. Still a leak!
It all had to come out again because the Water pump housing had a crack. Worth a check as it appears it was there all the time just too small to be noticed without the UV Dye.
LAND ROVER 300tdi Water Pump Housing ERR3736
The reason all that was caused was overzealous tighneting of bolts to fit the alternator caused it to crack and leak it looks like the P gasket but the casing has split just above the p gasket. We deduced coolant in the bolt hole and excesive force on the bolt caused this whole mess!
Another Leak could be your coolant bottle or pipes, Pressure test them with engine running and without. Worth checking if any of the pipes are soft? Talc is good idea here if you dont have UV dye

as you can't always see coolant but when talc gets wet its like a paste but be careful. UV dye is better
The Coolant bottles get old and crack and cap's get old they can leak. I've heard the plastic rad bolts leak slighlty. I upgraded to copper just to be sure.
I had little heat and was loosing coolant slowly my heater was partially blocked unknown to me at the time. It was also leaking on the Heather matrix pipe. I kept loosing coolant and thought i was going mad as i had just gone though all the above before. Check for wet carpets. I thought it was coming in from the windscreen at first.
If they are Bypass the HM and see if your loosing it still. I used a pipe joiner from halfords with 2 jublie clips to join the two pipes. You might be picking up rubbish from the matrix causing a blockage.
I had the heater matrix replaced at another garage and then it blocked the system and the temp went sky high. Crud in the coolant! Who would have thought i asked the garage to do it when doing water pump earlier.
I ended up doing the job myself and flushing the whole system, have linked the one below for you that i used. It really worked well I had to run the hose and flush it 3-4 times but it's really cleaned out the rubbish. Took an hour of running the engine and then running hose though it.
Engine no longer overheats and with HM bypassed no leaks from main system but it was a mission to get there.
Final thought waiting on clips for HM and O ring to fix the final leak and then i should be good for another few years. I just hope no one goes though what i did but sharing to avoid someone else going mad like i did with mine. Seem's the clips on the HM and o rings fail so its worth checking just to be sure.
Hope this helps.