how did you get on witth the Disco 2 did it sell ? I have a lightly modded D1 that I am thinking of changing for a D2 it runs on veg oil and has heaters etc built in
Oh come on, Nathan, why on earth wouldn't you want to swap a mint Disco 2 for a high mileage, Cat C recorded Disco 1?? :p:D
haha **** take i would have put cash towards duhhh ,haha in my defence i didnt see how many post were actually on here lol my bad
Whats the state of play with your Discovery now;have you sold it or motd it:what kind of figure did you have in mind?.Many thanks in anticipation of your reply.
Originally Posted by *minty*
you only just bought it dont say youve had enough of it already

Thats why im keeping it

Originally Posted by palace
how did you get on witth the Disco 2 did it sell ? I have a lightly modded D1 that I am thinking of changing for a D2 it runs on veg oil and has heaters etc built in

Ive decided to keep it.

I think Nathan wants to keep it:p:D

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