Are you sick of Disco owners being abusive towards our freelanders

  • Yes, they are a bunch of dickhead disco owners

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • No, I realise they are probably retarded, its not their fault

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • I just dont give a damn!

    Votes: 39 50.6%

  • Total voters
oh right so the fact that i'd driven that part of the route at least a half dozen times previously to that outing and my boy could have driven that section in his pug :mad:
you were spouting off on here after the outing saying your glorified rollerskate had made it look easy, had nothing to do with the fact that boomer, dv, ratty robint and myself had done a fair bit of reci's to make sure it was tame enough for you to tackle :mad:

Blimey... is this you giving a flying ****??? I thought you didnt do such rubbish ;)

Jeeeez I thought this was a banter and humour forum ..... and yeah I did enjoy the day so thanks for all the effort (said so at the time too) but if all ya gonna do is bitch about Hippo's not being up to it why bother visit this section?

We obviously aint worth the effort ...... (note: seperated for easy cut and paste) :D

Series, I did say that I read the first few and 4 pages maybe missing something in between. But what I read was just as 'humourous' in both directions ....... silly me! :rolleyes:
its to do with them being full of female hormones and insecurities that the female race seem to have in ther systems.Reminds me of daffid the "only gay in the village" they think the more they shout someone will listen! bacardi and coke mathanwy lol
Basically its because bum****ermobiles are driven by ****s whose arses have been ripped open by big hairy bears, thusly they are too sore to drive properly and get ****ed off when a disco cuts them up on the road, this then comes back onto the forum so when abuse is hurled (as it should be cos you're all ****s) these homo's get even more touchy due to the fact that not only have they got a sore arse they also got overtaken by a tractor twice the size and 0% of the gayness.

I look forward to your rebuttal

Not so sincerely,

The owner of two real Landrovers
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if Accys mum sees this yer in fer a spell on the naughty might want to tone it down a little :doh:
Basically its because bum****ermobiles are driven by ****s whose arses have been ripped open, thusly they are too sore to drive properly and get ****ed off when a disco cuts them up on the road, this then comes back onto the forum so when abuse is hurled (as it should be as you're all ****s) they get even more touchy due to the fact that not only have they got a sore arse they also got overtaken by a tractor twice the size and 0% of the gayness.

I look forward to your rebuttal

Not so sincerely,

The owner of two real Landrovers
The mans is a god and should be held on high
Basically its because bum****ermobiles are driven by ****s whose arses have been ripped open by big hairy bears, thusly they are too sore to drive properly and get ****ed off when a disco cuts them up on the road, this then comes back onto the forum so when abuse is hurled (as it should be cos you're all ****s) these homo's get even more touchy due to the fact that not only have they got a sore arse they also got overtaken by a tractor twice the size and 0% of the gayness.

I look forward to your rebuttal

Not so sincerely,

The owner of two real Landrovers

The mans is a god and should be held on high

Why thank you kind sir ;) I look forward to the imminent retaliations that shall spew forth from the forum scum


Accy is one of the owners and his mum dont like naughty words.....she dont look in 'anything goes' bless her.........I imagine yer no wanting Mod1 to explain any furtherer
I and my wife are both Freelander owners and proud to be driving a LANDROVER we tried a 2005 model disco and hated it so I will not be buying one of those and as for go no where i pulled a disco out of trouble over buxton in the snow last winter if it had been a honda or somthing simular then i would not have bothered I did so simply because it was a LANDROVER now grow up boys we are all LANDROVER owners
I love all Land Rovers, I learnt to drive in an Army Series 3 V8 FFR, drove other variants too 90's and snatch. Id love to have some of the defenders I see on here, I love to have a classic series to restore, Id love to have a Range Rover sport, but with a drive full of a works van, wifes citreon picasso and my Freebie another one would be overkill. The child would have to forfeit something!!!

But the main reason I love my Freelander is the banter it attracts!!!!!!!! Wouldnt give a XXXX for anything else!!!!!

Ive got it now and changing it for the sake of opinion is a sign of real weakness.

I love em all!!!!!!!!!!!

It's the durdy tratterers that keep tellin us our beautiful Freelanders are crap. They is just trying to push the prices down nationally so they can all buy one.
Yous mercans play some funny games. :eek:[/quote

Not really, when 2 people disagree of who has a better truck, well we are gentleman- get the chain and hook up and careful get the chain tight, then thats when the fun starts, tarmac,dirt,or mud and then you pull the other person for a good ride:D:D:D:D:D

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