
AntiSeptic Sandal Wearer
Wow, what a good day out, really fun! Even the laning bit went fairly smoothly, despite u-turns in peoples gardens and fields, moaning locals (i think they were OK in the end!) and quite a lot of overgrowth.

Thanks to all who brought things to eat on the barbie, them sossidjis n burgers was yummy!

Also lucky we have such an experienced escapologist, who shall hence forth be known as Harry Trewdini!!!

Just thought i'd start this to put our pics on, which i will try and do mine (and vids) later, there are several!

Cheers all, really fun day, nice to meet everyone - and how lucky were we with the weather:D

soz, but I only took 2 still photies - yer'll ave ter wait a bit fer the videeeoooo's.


In the first one, Trewey at the back, then Bustrucket, then Capt Chaos and family, and me navigating and leading the way at the front! In the second one it's Boggle completely stuck (i hear this was the first and only time he ever got stuck, or even into any kind of trouble at all):D:D
fust pic, front to rear is
Cap'n Chaos

second Pic is Boggle's V8 Rangie - well and truly stuck. Me first recovery job of the day.
he certainly looks plenty stuck!looks like a nice lil convoy!keep th pics comin for us greenlanin novices to enjoy!
trewey you truly are a god at recovery...i must remember to have you along next time im out....

it was a great day and it was good to meet some new peeps:D

it was my first outing in the rangie...affectionatly known as the turd....and it performed well......

as for getting stuck...i never get stuck........

just slowed down;)

cant wait for the next meet up....

Great day out, nice to meet some of the peeps I have spoken to :D...some good lanes,then came the mud!!! Capn was a bit nervous of how I would re-act to damage, but a rear bumper end and the front bumper was all that had a nudge lol

Thank you Boggle for my first trip off-road in the Turd, and luckily you did not scare me :p

Can not wait till the next trip :D :D :D
And a couple more...








Cot some vidjyoos to follow - might do a groovy compilation, any requests for the soundtrack? Boggle, be afraid!!

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