ok mate, send over your details and then i can give you a time when i am near or know what time i'll be passing your way.
won't take us long to check out whether the allcomms is going to talk to it or not and then at least its another thing of your list.

baby classes eh, and you thought the L322 was expensive :eek:
Right time for an update....well not so much an update as there is still no movement on the diagnostics front.

To re-cap:

Tried a replacement:
Lighting Control Module
Instrument Pack
Headlamp Leveling ECU

Have tried unplugging and then connecting to All Comms:
Leveling ECU
Headlamps (Both sides individually and together)
Instrument Pack

Still nothing.

It is not K Bus as the steering lock works, as do the indicator tell tales on the dash and all the other peripherals run by the K Bus

I Bus is fine as the infotainment system works as it should as do all the buttons and etc!

It still throws up ABS/HDC/EAS faults when the lamps are turned on for longer than a few minutes....and at the moment it is showing the same errors and not being able to be reset with the lock to lock!

There is power to the OBD socket at the right pins and a good earth too.

So after months of head scratching, removing fueses and unplugging various ECU's I am stuck now!

My next trick is to get a scope and actually try and see the wave form on the CANbus and see if I can spot anything.

I have a few documents gleened off the world wide web on diagnosing the CAN and scoping for waveforms so I will see what I can see in the New Year when I am back at work and have access to one of sparkys scopes!

If that is inconclusive I may have to knock on Rick-The-Picks door and see if he can offer some professional help!

Hi Ant, hope you are having a good Christmas.

Would it be worth emailing Blackbox solutions to see what they think as they have extensive knowledge of the L322 and of course make the Faultmate.

Just wondered whether they think it would be worth do a temporary license swap from my vehicle to yours or whether the Faultmate uses the same connections as the Allcomms anyway.

Failing that, it's the main stealer :eek:

The closest thing i have found to your problem is the thread you replied to earlier this year

Last edited:
Hi Ant, hope you are having a good Christmas.

Would it be worth emailing Blackbox solutions to see what they think as they have extensive knowledge of the L322 and of course make the Faultmate.

Just wondered whether they think it would be worth do a temporary license swap from my vehicle to yours or whether the Faultmate uses the same connections as the Allcomms anyway.

Failing that, it's the main stealer :eek:

The closest thing i have found to your problem is the thread you replied to earlier this year

Conections will be the same for Allcomms or Faultmate but the initialisation may just possibly be different.
Right time for an update....well not so much an update as there is still no movement on the diagnostics front.

To re-cap:

Tried a replacement:
Lighting Control Module
Instrument Pack
Headlamp Leveling ECU

Have tried unplugging and then connecting to All Comms:
Leveling ECU
Headlamps (Both sides individually and together)
Instrument Pack

Still nothing.

It is not K Bus as the steering lock works, as do the indicator tell tales on the dash and all the other peripherals run by the K Bus

I Bus is fine as the infotainment system works as it should as do all the buttons and etc!

It still throws up ABS/HDC/EAS faults when the lamps are turned on for longer than a few minutes....and at the moment it is showing the same errors and not being able to be reset with the lock to lock!

There is power to the OBD socket at the right pins and a good earth too.

So after months of head scratching, removing fueses and unplugging various ECU's I am stuck now!

My next trick is to get a scope and actually try and see the wave form on the CANbus and see if I can spot anything.

I have a few documents gleened off the world wide web on diagnosing the CAN and scoping for waveforms so I will see what I can see in the New Year when I am back at work and have access to one of sparkys scopes!

If that is inconclusive I may have to knock on Rick-The-Picks door and see if he can offer some professional help!

If the problem only occurs with the lights on it would be worth scoping the LCM lines and the igniter lines to see if there are any obvious anomolies. I don't suppose there is much info published on what to expect but something may stand out.
If your missus has decided to keep the P38, she is obviously a sensible lady:)
OK another update.....

To save others reading back over pages of stuff.....

HID bulb blew (literally) and the dash lamps and warning lamps went mental, flickering and alsorts of fun and games....

Since then, I haven't been able to connect to diagnostics and when the headlamps are on for a few minutes, the ABS/HDC/EAS warnings pop up and the EAS freezes into soft fault....

This happened in May 2014 (last year)....

i have removed fuses to all the ECUs in turn and tried to connect on each occasion....I have tried a replacement instrument pack as this acts as a gateway to the diagnostic buses....i have tried a replacement LCM as this is the slave to the IP's master for the databuses....I have tried disconnecting the headlamps ECUs, the levelling ECU, tried a replacement levelling ECU......tried various combinations of the above, in various orders....still nothing.

With the help of HolidayChicken, we have tried another diagnostic machine to see if it was mine...nope, still nothing....

Checked the OBD socket for corrosion, power, a good earth....all fine....

A generic ELM327 scanner would connect to the engine ECU but that is on a seperate diagnostic bus to the rest of the car, but it proved tht the OBD was taking to the car atleast....

I have read document after document on the BMW derived databus systems and the troubleshooting thereof, even about how to use a scope to check diagnostic message waveforms...all very interesting and a little over my head, but i understand the gist of it all....

Last night, the Engine light came on again....it does this every few months, as when running on LPG, it can throw a wobbler every now and then and moan about either fuel trims or a lambda reading is off scale....nowt to worry about, as long as your MPG remains stable and all else runs well, it is mostly down to the change over form petrol to gas....every once in a while, as the cylinder changes over, it gets a double hit of petrol and gas and the lambdas start panicing that the fuel trims are out of wack and tries to lean it out...and when the LPG has taken over, it expects a leaner burn, but it doesnt happen as the LPG is now running the engine, so the CeL comes on as it has a mild paddy fit!

Any who, this evening I thought I'd give the All Comms another go.....and feck me it only fecking worked!!

I mean what the frag...??? For months and months, nothing and now Ll of a sudden bingo, it works....

Now, the only thing different is that when the headlamps are on, the warnings of ABS EAS and HDC etc are now (fingers crossed) very infrequent, if at all over the last few weeks.....

Heres the more interesting part.....

Connect All Comms....all groovy, interrogate the systems all good, turn the lights on and you can now no longer connect the All Comms....turn the lights off....still no comms....unplug the All Comms, turn the car off, wait a few minutes then plug back in again...you get full communication...turn the lights on....then all the comms are gone....until you unplug and turn the car off for a few minutes.....

It seems like the LCM could be messing up the comms signal...

The headlamp Levelling ECU is disconnected by the way.....

Now, how about i run this past you bunch of boffins....when I did the short wiring harness to the ABS ECU, the replacement short harness from Land Rover was missing the signal wire from/to the Headlamp Leveling ECU according to RAVE...so I retrofitted the wire from the old harness into the new one....but this was ages before the whole HID blowing incident...and everything was fine....

Do we reckon that, when the HID blew it obviously sent a spike through the car electronics, could it be that it has something to do with this single wire...as it seems odd that when the lights are on, the ABS/HDC/EAS all go bandy as they are all linked together on the same databus...the CAN.......

Maybe I should snip this wire and see what happens!!

Anyone any ideas??
Cant see why you shouldn't disconnect it as you have disconnected your levelling ECU anyway, i am guessing the wires missing as the later vehicles don't have the ECU.

If you remember from the other post i linked to you, you helped somebody with similar symptoms and the levelling ecu was the culprit then as well.

Have you emailed Storey recently mate, apart from that, that's all i got?

This is still good news, your demon is starting to show it's weakness :)
Cant see why you shouldn't disconnect it as you have disconnected your levelling ECU anyway, i am guessing the wires missing as the later vehicles don't have the ECU.

If you remember from the other post i linked to you, you helped somebody with similar symptoms and the levelling ecu was the culprit then as well.

Have you emailed Storey recently mate, apart from that, that's all i got?

This is still good news, your demon is starting to show it's weakness :)

Cheers Andy, i will be emailing the legend that is Storey Wilson to keep him in the loop and maybe with his immense knowledge of such things he may know something....

I will snip this wire and see what occurs.....but you are right, this is a massive step forward.

Patience is a virtue young Grasshopper!! :D
Patience is a virtue young Grasshopper!!

Yes so right with range rover ownership patience and lots of it:D

and an understanding partner, lots of money and a good tool kit:)
Interestingly unstable electronics:eek:
Yep, if the leveling ECU is not there, disconnect the wire and see what happens.
Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day

I do like to go off piste every now and then, that's not another quote by the way :D

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