Also you have to be a member, you can join on the day though

Ok , so I'll just be having the coffee at turbo's then ...... :D might have popped over for a nosey , but not sure I wanna be a member :eek: I shall take a bag of flour to Turbos , he'd make a great Windy Miller.:D:p
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A member just to watch?

Podgehog has just put a video up of his sunday greenlane drive up in the general section. Doing about 30 bouncing off the lane walls...... Nice!!!!!!
Yu saying I fart a lot or sumfink! :mad:;)

Coffee is go if youre up here, are yu going to the show on the Saturday?

Probably not going to the show , still gotta pin point your gaff , if it's anything like us trying to find the series 3 , 90-110's we may be somewhat late :D will just hop up on the new wing chequer and check out the toffs with turbines :D:p
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No mate off to Antwerp on Tuesday for the next 10-12 weeks, once I'm back we'll can sort a day out down your way

Didn't realise you hadn't gone yet, hope it goes ok.
As you know, yu are always welcome! :)
Weve been keeping yer fred warm for yu, as yu can see :D
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Fanks mate, i suspect I will be on a lot in the next few weeks as the Tellys all in foreign over there!

I swear I will actually get to go on some of these trips one day;);)
You don't need to be a member to watch on Sunday

Ok , then we may pop over ...I had a quick snoop on their web page ....I like the pics of the Wendron site , Betsy and I went there for a bit if practice before I embarked on my maiden laning trip with the LZ ladies (with full permission from the owner , RIP Reggie :() .....needless to say I've NEVER experienced anything nearly so mental since , on any trip I've done :eek::D there was only me and a guy I know (experienced off roader , so if we had got stuck , this was when I had no winch :eek:) .....possibly explains my pathological fear of mud! :D:D
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I'd love to do some real off road driving like those places but not with people watching and being timed! Lol

On a slightly seperate note, I'm making soft shackles, if anyone is interested and I can get them right, I might be willing to sell a few for cost.

They are 6mm in diameter and have an average breaking strain of 2000kg and weigh next to nothing, don't rust and don't seize!

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