If you get dipped your car will be impounded until you cough up the fine.
They would not crush your car.
The fine is a on the spot fine of about 600 pounds.
Using sump oil as fuel is illegal because there has not be any duty paid on it.
People mention about a sniffer but that a load of bollocks.


the sniffer is an electronic sensor that's shoved into the fuel and tests it's content

sadly (for them) vehicles do get seized AND they'll be getting a big bill for the back tax
From my experience of friends and family and also the local scrap yard they suck the fuel up and if they are suspicious they will test the sample.
If the fuel is illegal you will get a fine if you can not pay your car is towed until you pay.
The fine is a standard one for every one unless your a haulier.
From my experience of friends and family and also the local scrap yard they suck the fuel up and if they are suspicious they will test the sample.
If the fuel is illegal you will get a fine if you can not pay your car is towed until you pay.
The fine is a standard one for every one unless your a haulier.

irrespective of how it's operated in different areas the fact is you'll be getting a big bill if caught using used engine oil as a fuel in a motor vehicle on the PH - that's if the engine doesn't get ground away internally first
Its an r reg 300tdi very tidy but only owes me £700. But what you save on fuel is worth it. scrap is up around here so if it gives up which i doubt it will. I'l break it and bin it. If they decide to sieze it then merry christmas to them they can keep it. But it isn't registered to me it's in the trade so i'd say i just bought it to try and avoid the fine. But if i did get fined i've proably saved that anyway.
two dollars fifty a gallon in the us arording to my dad. they take the **** out of us over here and we continue to let them!

If every person who was ****ed off with fuel prices kicked off the goverment would soon bring the prices down as most of what we pay is tax!

sorry rant over
Its an r reg 300tdi very tidy but only owes me £700. But what you save on fuel is worth it. scrap is up around here so if it gives up which i doubt it will. I'l break it and bin it. If they decide to sieze it then merry christmas to them they can keep it. But it isn't registered to me it's in the trade so i'd say i just bought it to try and avoid the fine. But if i did get fined i've proably saved that anyway.

and you work in a garage................... !!!

no, I cant bring myself to say it :eek:
If they transfered the tax to champagne it wouldn't spoil my christmas party put it that way!
I am paying £1.55.9 per litre, (so £ 1.26 I wish,)
so when I fill up the 110, its down to bank for loan.
living on a rock in the sea not all fun.
300tdi will burn any old ****e.
Engine oil is nice mixed with Veg.
It's aint illegal if you play the game and do it right FFS.
Stop all this scaremongering pish, it's all legal and above board.
Check out the gov websites on fuel.

Feckin pricks talking ****e....grrrrr

the yanks diesel tank for road use vehicles at Fairford a good few years ago was a 1200l domestic oil tank with 250l of the cheapest engine oil in that the topped up from the avgas/kero bowsers - before the days of ECUs and road side checks mind

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