200 slow enough as it is, that I can bear as the thing is super reliable, cant say that for a 19j!
My 19j was OK, but it was very low mileage. But there was plenty of heat from the heater, in fact, I used to leave the heater on all the time, on the grounds that heat that was coming out in the cab couldn't be cracking the block or warping the head.
Have to admit, don't really understand this "engine not warming up enough" stuff. Of the ones I've owned (to be fair, one of which was my parents discovery 300tdi when I was a lad, but I used it), all warm up just fine in any weather as long as the thermostat is good. And my buddies 4x - all the engines warm up fine. It's just the cab is still cold. I suppose you guys are living up north a bit and wanting the engine fully up to temp in a short journey?

Viscous fans are just that - viscous - so if the air if cold, they are largely disengaged, enough you can stop the can with your fingers easily enough. (Caution!).
That said, I have now ditched the viscous fan on mine - but only because the fan didn't fit the shroud - so in hot weather, it actually didn't pull enough airflow in traffic. Now replaced with a pair of electric fans that are switched on when the ECU reads warm enough.

I rebuilt my primary heater last year. Better, but still pants. I have high hopes for the secondary heater to supplement it.
300tdi, changed the heater box seal on mine, and heater matrix,put a inline fan in the duct to give it abit more power, heated seat helps alot.
My commute is 12 miles and I have to turn the heater off because it gets too warm half way through.

If its really cold I just turn the diesel heater on when I get up..

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